The Preschool through Grade 3 students present three assemblies during the year based on the following values: cooperation, courage, and compassion. This week was the Courage Assembly during which students shared different moments went they and others overcame their fears and showed courage.

Preschoolers drew pictures of events when they had to be brave, Vertical 1-2 classroom students each recited a part of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, and our third graders shared moments when they  demonstrated courage.

In preparation for the assembly, the Kindergarten had studied the life story of Ruby Bridges and later visited the Norman Rockwell Museum where they were able to see his 1964 painting, “The Problem We All Live With” of Ruby being escorted to school. The class created their own mural of Ruby Bridges and her experience as a young child. Enjoy their presentation by viewing the video below.