To our students, February means Alaska Day, the winter plays, and the end of the second marking period. Behind the scenes, February is also an important planning month at BCD, as is typically of all independent schools.  It is the time of year when re-enrollment contracts are due and the school considers staffing plans for the upcoming year.

This year, for the first time in several years, BCD is operating under a balanced budget. Planning for a balanced budget requires the Board and Administration to accurately predict enrollment (and, hence, tuition income) and make decisions about staffing, programming, financial aid and faculty salaries based on a conservative estimate of how many students we project we will have in the coming year. That is why it is so important that BCD receives your re- enrollment contract by the February 17th deadline.

An accurate assessment of projected enrollment is essential for our financial planning in light of our small endowment and limited reserves. Since tuition income covers the majority of BCD’s operating expenses, being able to accurately project enrollment allows the School to budget for faculty salary increases, hire the teachers we will need to support our sectioning and programs, maintain our commitment to programming and new program development, and meet the School’s general operating expenses.  Not meeting enrollment projections can lead to staffing and other budget cutbacks while also diverting fundraising efforts away from meeting other critical areas of need and building the School’s endowment.

If you have any questions about your re-enrollment contract or the re-enrollment deadline, please contact Gwen Connolly, or would like to have a confidential discussion about financial aid, please contact Amy Broberg.

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