As I wrap up my first full year at Berkshire Country Day School, I’m as excited as ever to be part of this community. I was reflecting back on my first several weeks last summer, meeting families and getting to know the culture and spirit of the School. I was impressed with the vibrancy of it all and how engaged everyone seemed to be. There was an energy both about being part of this community and surrounding a passion for learning that continued throughout the year. In fact, as the year progressed, that energy only grew with each new class project, each concert or poetry assembly, each play, and each day of building friendships and connections. From an admission perspective, we had many successes, from overwhelming participation in our “Little Penguins” toddler playgroups, Open Houses, and “Bring a Friend to School Days,” to the development of new marketing materials and increased applications. And it was all because of the people whose support made it all possible.

While our students are away for the summer, there’s plenty of activity continuing in the Admission Office! Daily, I’m fielding inquiries from interested families, giving tours, or processing applications here, while also dedicating time to community outreach to let more families know about the amazing educational opportunities at BCD. Each week, flyers are going home with kids at the IS183 Art Camp and Eden Hill Sports Camp, promoting our school and advertising weekly tours during pick-up and drop-off on Wednesdays at 3:00 pm and Thursdays at 9:00 am. (They tell me there are limited openings in several of their camp sessions if you still want to sign up.) I will also be at the Hudson Farmers Market on Saturday, July 22. You can help our efforts, by continuing to spread the word about BCD, especially about our new 2-year-old program (filling up quickly! Read about our new teacher here) and about the new bus route serving Hudson, NY, and Columbia County families. There is no better publicity than when you share your stories and personally invite families to take a look at our school! 

I have planned two Saturday get-togethers on campus where our playground will be open for drop-in “recess.” The dates are Saturday, July 15, and Saturday, August 12, both from 8:30-10:30 am. Mark your calendars to come! These are very casual events designed for our community to stay connected over the summer and have fun together. Returning families, newly enrolled families, families considering BCD, and the general public are all invited, so feel free to bring your friends! If there is interest, I will also give tours. I hope you can join us for a playdate with old friends while you make some new ones.

Thank you to the broad BCD community—parents, students, faculty, staff, and alumni—for a terrific year!
