This morning Middle and Upper school students came together again with Mrs. Piasecki and Mrs. Pitcher-Hoffman.  Here is their plan to raise $1000 this week to send to Partners in Health and Doctors Without Borders for their important work in Haiti.  Students will be running bake sales this week during lunch/recess time (on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday).  They are being asked to bake or make snacks to sell and the bake sales will all be student run.  We will invite LS students to the Bake Sale ONLY on Thursday and they can bring in money that day or baked goods as well.  

Also, all students in all grades have been asked to do chores around the house to earn some money to donate.  We are having a change drive all week and students will be collecting change at drop off, pick up, and in the homerooms.  

Please help your children to bake, cook, earn a little money, and open their hearts to those in need.  Together we can make a difference. This is a great opportunity for students to lead an important effort. Thank you.

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