Due to the generous contributions of BCD families and faculty, the Berkshire Community Diaper Project now has 3,000+ more diapers to distribute!
It was heartwarming to see how our community rallied around this important collection, as students arrived each morning with arms filled equally with backpacks and diapers. While the entire school was part of this endeavor, there are some folks especially worthy of extra thanks.
The BCD Student Council whose members took charge of the drive! From planning and promoting to making posters to sharing information with the younger students to standing outside at car line each morning (and exuberantly exhorting everyone who arrived to “BRING US SOME DIAPERS!”), to counting the mountain of donated boxes and packages, our Student Council members served as service role models for us all. Thanks Student Council members!
Sarah Pitcher-Hoffman, Student Council faculty sponsor, for working with the Student Council to organize and follow-through with the Diaper Drive project. Not only did Sarah lend her room and several lunch hours to Student Council and this service project, her gentle encouragement and troop-rallying are much appreciated by all. Thanks, Sarah!
Mara Goodman Davies who first brought the Diaper Drive to our attention. Her enthusiasm for and dedication to community service projects are nothing short of remarkable! Mara also served as our delivery person extraordinare. Thanks, Mara!
To the parents who purchased the diapers, to the students who brought them to BCD for collection, and to all the drivers who delivered the plethora from here to there…. THANKS!