Fourth Graders have been exploring data representation in math. We’ve made bar graphs, double bar graphs and line graphs so far. Students are now preparing their own graphs to represent data collected from interviews with the Third Grade. Each Fourth Grader prepared a survey and interviewed each member of the Third Grade class. Next, they selected the proper scale and interval to best show the results. Finally, this week they’ll return to the Third Grade to share the graphs and ask the students word problems based on the graphs. IMG_2864 IMG_2865 IMG_2866 IMG_2867 IMG_2868 IMG_2869 IMG_2870 IMG_2871 IMG_2872 IMG_2873 IMG_2874 IMG_2875 IMG_2876 IMG_2877 IMG_2878 IMG_2879 IMG_2880 IMG_2881 IMG_2882 IMG_2883 IMG_2884

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