My position as Director of Admission takes many forms. As the face of Berkshire Country Day School, I am out and about in the community, meeting families and prospective students and sharing the news about the incredible education offered here. I’m also here on campus, welcoming guests, getting to know what parents are looking for in a school for their child, and showing families our program in person. (I also help with photography, some of which you can see on our Flickr page, assist with various events, and even cover recess duty occasionally. I love those days!)

This fall my schedule is packed with events both on and off campus. I hope you’ll take the opportunity to visit us here or stop by one of our booths at area festivals, and please spread the word to friends who are looking for intentional approach to education that you know gets students excited about and engaged in learning. 

We have scheduled three Open Houses for the fall. Information sessions for parents and caregivers will be held on Thursday, September 29 and Thursday, October 27. There will also be a special Open House for both adults and children on Tuesday, November 8, when many public schools are closed for Election Day. All sessions are from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Details and registration, which is encouraged, are available at

We are also offering Toddler Playgroups, named “Little Penguins” after the School’s mascot. These are three-week sessions for children aged two to three with a caregiver, and are held on consecutive Tuesdays, October 18, October 25, and November 1, from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. Learn more about this free play and discovery series at Siblings are welcome, and registration is required.

Finally, I hope you’ll stop by and say hi to me and other members of our community at the Lenox Apple Squeeze, September 24 & 25 or at the Berkshire Botanical Garden Harvest Festival on October 8 & 9.

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We’ll have an activity at our booth, and there’s plenty of food, music, crafts, and other fun at both events.


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