BCD hosted several visitors today on campus and all enjoyed the gorgeous weather we special ordered for the day!

G. James Fawcett Lenox School for Boys Scholarship

We are proud to announce that 9th graders Nicolas A. and Ruby M. have been recognized for their service to the BCD community during their time at the School. Every year, the Lenox School for Boys Alumni Association makes a donation to BCD in the name of two 9th grade students who have demonstrated tremendous leadership and selflessly served the school community. Nicolas and Ruby have embodied these qualities in all that they have contributed during their many years as students at BCD.

BCD began on the Lenox School for Boys’ campus – on the grounds of what is today Shakespeare & Company. Jim Fawcett began his teaching career there and, to this day, his students remember him fondly.  Members of the Lenox School for Boys’ Alumni Association created a service award in honor of  Mr. Fawcett. Representatives from the Alumni Association visit BCD’s campus each year  to reconnect with their beloved teacher and to recognize the deserving students who embody the Lenox School for Boys’ motto: “To serve, not to be served.”

Congratulations, Nicolas and Ruby!

Civil War Re-enactor

Tom Bierly set up camp today and took Upper School students through a day in the life of a Civil War soldier. Grade 7 students study US history throughout the year, culminating their study with a History Fair in late May. Thank you to Elise De for bringing her former teacher to BCD!DSC_0013

The Jewish Federation of the Berkshires

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Dara Kaufman of the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires presented the work of the organization to students in grades 6-9. Ms. Kaufman explained how their work relates to the Jewish values of  Tikkun Olam (Social Justice), Tzedakah (Charitable and Just giving), and Kol Israel Arevim Tzeh Bezeh (All Jews are responsible for one another). Students learned of specific programs that the federation runs here in the Berkshires and  how it join with Jewish communities across North America in mobilizing their resources to make life better for Jews and non Jews around the world.Dara