The past two weeks have been filled with lots of excitement!  We celebrated two Summer Birthdays, found corn in the sandbox, planted seeds and helped assemble new furniture for our room.  The weather was wild, and we had fun in the wind and the sun.  And a huge thanks everyone who participated in this book order as it was the largest order this school year!

Corn in the sand box!

Our class celebrated Max’s Summer Birthday last week.  His mom, Nicole and dad, Brian came in and shared a great slide show of Max through the years.  The children loved seeing how much he had grown and many commented that his smile looks the same from when he was a baby.  They also brought in yummy cupcakes and strawberries for snack.  Max’s mom read to us a great story called Dino-Soccer by Lisa Wheeler and Max assisted by turning the pages.  Thank you to Max and his parents for a wonderful morning!

During regular class time we also made some blue sparkling rain drops that are hanging in our room. April showers bring May flowers!  Another day was spent with our Peer Readers.  We all really love having the connection with the Second grade students.  During the week, Mrs. Piasecki came into our room and we planted 2 different types of pumpkin seeds that will later be transplanted to the giant pumpkin batch behind the bus barn.  We all explored our 12 new puzzles and the corn table.  Mr. B came to room and put together our new red couch and table with4 chairs for the Pretend Area.

Gabrielle celebrated her Summer Birthday with her mom Kate, dad Nigel, and sister Elizabeth last week.  She brought in yummy cookies and lots of fruit to share at snack.  Her dad showed a slide show on his computer with lots of great pictures.  We all got see how much Gabrielle has grown up.  Her mom read “Skippy John Jones in the Dog House,” by Judy Schachner.  The children loved her Spanish accent and the funny story line.  Tank you to the Hinds family for a great morning.

Some of the books we read:

The Selfish Crocodile, by Faustin Charles and Michael Terry

Extraordinary Egg, by Leo Lionni

Eating the Alphabet Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z,by Lois Ehlert

Down By The Cool Of  The Pool

, by Tony Mitton

The Story of Babar the Little Elephant, by Jean de Brunhoff

Counting Wildflowers, by Bruce McMillan

Two of our class favorite:

Ping Pong Pig, by Caroline J. Church

The Cow That Laid an Egg, by Andy Cutbill

Working with Mr. B on our new table

Important Reminders:

Thursday, May 6th, 7:55a.m. to 9:00a.m., Preschool’s Mommies’ Day Breakfast!  Drop in and grab a bite to eat with us before you start your day!

Friday, May 7th, Music Concert, 1:00p.m. (B3s through 3rd Grade will perform.)

Friday, May 14th, Final Pizza Lunch

Wednesday, May 26th, Fun and Field Day (Dress for outdoor fun and getting wet!)  Details TBA

Thursday, May 27th, Fun and Field Day, rain date I

Friday, May 28th, Spring Fling Day, details TBA

Monday, May 31st, No School, Memorial Day

Wednesday, June 2nd, Fun and Field Day, rain date II

Thursday, June 3rd, Move Up Lunch (we call it “Lunch With Mrs. Patel”, for Pre K , and“Lunch With Mrs. Atwater”, for the B3s)

Thursday, June 10th, Last Day of School; Closing Ceremonies; All School Family Picnic, beginning at noon; dismissal at 1:00p.m.

Please send in extra clothing as needed.

Remember to send in Library books on Friday.

If your daughter is wearing a skirt, please have her wear bloomers, tights or shorts also.

Proper footwear is need for the playground everyday.

Please remember to send in a backpack everyday.

A huge thank you to all the parents for all the great gifts, cards, flowers, cookies, treats, chocolates, and luncheon during Teacher Appreciation Week.  I love working with your children and really enjoy seeing them grow in many different ways!  Thank You!!

Max and his parents celebrating his Summer Birthday

Gabrielle and her parents celebrating her Summer Birthday

Have a great sunny weekend!   Joni