It has been a fun first week at BCD for students and faculty, starting off with a New Family Orientation for both students and their parents on Tuesday, followed by a picnic in the playground. Meanwhile, Class Parents and teachers enjoyed a lovely lunch hosted by the Parents’ Association in Fitzpatrick Hall and talked about and planned for the year ahead. Bright and early Wednesday morning, students (and parents) bounded out of cars and off the buses, excited to shake hands with Mr. Lindenmaier and Mr. Frantz and start their day. After a brief time in the classroom, the entire BCD community gathered in Fitzpatrick Hall to be officially welcomed to the new school year by Mr. Lindenmaier.

Mr. Lindenmaier started by welcoming BCD’s new students and introducing the new members of our faculty. He then shared the community’s expectations for their success and challenged the students to look around them and, as a class, find 10 new things about our campus and their classrooms that have changed since last year. The assembly concluded with the traditional ringing of Mr. Lindenmaier’s grandmother’s school bell, signaling the official start of the new school year! The first week concluded with an all-school barbecue hot dog lunch and picnic. See you all next Tuesday!

Coming Up Next Week:

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No School – Monday, September 6

Talk & Campus Tour with the Head – Tuesday, September 7 – all parents welcome, meet by the Information Kiosk and wear your walking shoes

After-school Music Program Orientation Meeting – Tuesday, September 7 – 6:30 p.m. in Furey Hall Music Room

Head’s Chat with Preschool Parents – Wednesday, September 8, 8:15 a.m. in the Library. All Preschool parents are welcome to attend this opportunity to meet with and ask questions of Head of School Paul Lindenmaier and Paul Frantz, Associate Head of the Preschool & Lower school.

No School – Thursday, September 9

