It’s going to be another great year in the Lower School Science Lab!

I’ve been slowly easing the students back into the routine by practicing things like how to enter the room quietly, how to line up to leave, where to go to use the bathroom, lab safety, and playing some “getting to know you” games. Students have been coloring the front pages of their science journals, getting ready to fill them up with lots of interesting work.

This week the second graders will be starting their Animal Study of snails. We will be heading out into the woods to gather soil, moss, ferns, etc that will help the snails feel at home in their new terrariums. Second Graders have been asked to keep an eye out for snails in their home gardens and bring them in when they find them.

I’ve only met with the first graders once due to the abbreviated last weeks, but eventually we will be starting our Animal Study of worms and spending time in the garden learning about how worms help our soil.

The Kindergarteners will are beginning, on sunny days, their unit on Sunshine and Shadows and on cloudy days beginning their “Myself and Others” unit.

I can’t wait to get started!

Ms. Smith

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