Welcome to Third Grade! Once a month you will be receiving a newsletter, like this one, to tell you what your child is doing in class and how you and others at home can help.

During the first few weeks of school, the students studied graphing in math. The children learned how to identify and read pictographs, line graphs, and bar graphs. This week  in class we started our next unit, which looks at place value and time.

The social studies program has opened with a unit on Berkshire County. For the next two months the students will be learning about the Berkshires’ history and folklore.  As a culminating project to this study, the students will choose a landmark in the area to research and present the information they have learned about the site to their classmates.

In language arts, the children wrote about which color they thought was faster-yellow or red. These pieces are displayed in the classroom.  Please feel free to stop by any time to look at all the great work the third graders have completed.

The Third Grade Peer Reading Program is off to a great start!  Last Wednesday the children traveled over to the 2- year-old program where they spent some time reading books to these younger students.  This activity will take place every Wednesday until the end of the year.

Important reminder: Please send a note to class with your child, if there is a change in his/her normal after-school pick-up or bus routine.

I am looking forward to working with each of you to provide your child with a happy and successful third grade year!


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