Last year the current third graders were given small plot of earth in the lower school science garden for their very own use. They were allowed to plant what they wanted and were encouraged to tend their mini gardens during recess. Even with no tending or watering over the summer, plants grew! Students went out today to poke through the weeds. They discovered tiny cucumbers, kale, teeny gourds, beets, beans, peas and flowers. While whatever vegetables students grow in the main garden are donated to Thanksgiving Soup, they are allowed to take home whatever grows in their own mini gardens.

Some students were overjoyed and surprised by all they found growing. But some students were disappointed about seeds that never grew. We talked as a class about the nature of gardening and farming and that we can’t always control what Mother Nature gives us. For the few students who didn’t have anything to harvest, friends jumped in and invited them to join in their bounty. This was also true for our three new third graders. These new friends will soon have plots of their own – I’m building them this weekend!





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(Not all students are pictured here. Some students had items that weren’t ready to pick. They will later have the option of getting their harvests documented!)