Although a short school week, a lot went on at BCD as parents and students adjusted to new teachers and new classroom routines.
Parents gather in front of Albright Hall ready for their Talk & Tour of the BCD campus with Paul
Tuesday morning, Paul Lindenmaier took a group of interested parents on a Talk & Tour of the BCD campus. Did you know that the Brook Farm campus dates back to the 1890s and is included in the National Register of Historic Places? Originally, it was a working farm — with a farmhouse, barns, and stables — on the 1,000-acre Shadowbrook estate, which was built as a summer “cottage” in 1892-1896 by Anson Phelps Stokes, a prominent New York businessman. Brook Farm was later passed on to the Stokes’ son Anson Phelps Stokes, Jr., an Episcopal priest, secretary of Yale University, and Canon of the National Cathedral. Canon Stokes moved his family to Brook Farm, where they lived in the renovated farmhouse. The farm, which had supplied produce for Shadowbrook, included the family residence, now Albright Hall of BCD; the cow barn (Furey Hall); the machinery and equipment barn (Ryan Hall); and the stable (Oakes Hall). The Ice House was converted into a library for Canon Stokes (now Sprague Environmental Science Lab), and the donkey shed and the calf barn are now the middle school science labs (Peseckis Hall), and the farmland has been converted into athletic fields and playgrounds. For those of who who were unable to attend this week’s Talk & Tour of the campus, Paul will be planning another tour in the coming months.
On Wednesday, students in Grades 5-9 gathered in Furey Music Room to learn about the clubs being offered and to make their selection for the first half of the year. Clubs meet once a week on Wednesdays. This year, students can choose from The Penguinette school newspaper, the Environmental Club, Recycling Club, Book Club, Math Club, Yoga, The News En Espanol, and the Service Learning Club.
On Friday, students gathered for a special assembly; a performance of “Clara and Clair,” a play written and directed by Juliane Hiam, conceived by Sharon Smullen, and performed by Harper Glantz and Rebecca van der Meulen. “Clara and Clair” premiered on August 21, 2010 at Hancock Shaker Village as part of the 50th anniversary celebration of its museum charter. Two girls from different places in time have a magical, accidental meeting at Hancock Shaker Village. One is the historical Clara Sperle who was the last child to be raised by the Hancock Shakers from age 8 in 1925 until she was a young woman. The other is a modern day child visiting Hancock Shaker Village on a class field trip. Their encounter brings the audience on a journey that reveals the amazing wonders of simplicity.
The Parents’ Association would like to remind everyone that all BCD parents are invited and encouraged to participate in PA-sponsored and PA-assisted events, activities, and projects. Getting involved and volunteering your time is a great way to be a vital part of the BCD community. And your volunteer support is essential! Please sign up now to help. Click here to print out the Parents’ Association Sign-Up Form. Please return your completed form to the PA mailbox in Albright Hall or give to co-presidents Wendi or Sarah by Tuesday, September 14.
The Office of Admission will be in New York City on September 22 and will be holding an information reception at the Phillips Club for NYC families looking to relocate to the Berkshires and learn more about BCD. If you know of an interested family in the New York area, please let Amy Freeman know and she will extend them an invitation.
Coming up next week at BCD:
Week of September 13 – Advisor/Homeroom teacher phone calls to parents (PS-G9)
Tuesday, September 14 – Back-to-School Night for Middle & Upper School families. 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Meet first in Fitzpatrick Hall.
Wednesday, September 15 –Heads’ Chat with Upper School parents
Thursday, September 16 –PA Steering Committee Meeting, Furey Hall Band Room