Dear Parents,
Next Tuesday is Thanksgiving Soup (one of my favorite traditions at BCD) and I think you already know that 2nd grade is responsible for a bunch of scallions and an apple per student. Please send in on Monday, thank you! I look forward to seeing some of you there, but if not, please let me know specific pick-up plans for that day. Dismissal can be a bit hectic and it’s helpful if I know exactly where everyone is going.
Every child in 2nd grade has selected a star and will be part of the Holiday Gift Drive. The instructions for how to participate are written on the note that went home but if you have any other questions you can check with me or anyone on the Parents’ Association.
In the classroom we have been finishing up our Colonial Books in Social Studies class. The whole class has been putting terrific effort into this final project. The plan is for them to go home on Tuesday and I hope you get a chance to enjoy them over the break. This week’s work will be going home this afternoon. Included in that envelope is their final Science
project on Pond Life and a challenging riddle that they solved in math using fractions and Cuisenaire rods.
Second grade is abuzz with excitement about the upcoming Talent Sho
w this afternoon.
Hope to see some of you there, if not, I wish you all a wonderful, happy and restful Thanksgiving!