Ryan and Noah�help weatherize Albright Hall

Admissions: We are experiencing tremendous interest in the “Music and Me” program offered free to preschool-age children this fall.  22 families registered for our most recent event, and the program has moved to Furey Hall.

BCD Masters: A “section” of current and former parents, and one grandparent attended the first BCD Masters classes last Saturday.  Organized by Maxine Carter-Lome, the day was a complete success.  BCD faculty members Kate Meyer, John Dreger, and Michael McCarthy each did a wonderful job, engaging attendees in workshops about the brain, learning Italian, and traditional Mexican culinary methods.

Co-Curricular Programs: Co-curricular involvement is an integral part of each upper and middle student�s experience at Berkshire Country Day School, providing essential learning opportunities and exercises for the body and mind after the school day ends at three o’clock.  At BCD, our fields, theater, and band room provide extensions to the classroom; where each student is challenged and meaningfully engaged, and growth occurs through collaborative and dependable relationships with teammates, directors, and coaches. While each venue teaches and develops specific skills, our programs also emphasize inclusivity, commitment, perseverance, and cooperation, and other essential character traits and values.

112 of the 125 students (90%) in grades 4-9 participated in our co-curricular programs this fall.  101 of these children played soccer, a 25% increase from last year.  The numbers were once again impressive for the Farm Team, and participation was significantly greater this year on the Junior-Varsity and Varsity teams.  I am most appreciative of the talent, enthusiasm, and commitment of head coaches Geoff Perkins, Joni Guerette, Jeff Uhas, Tim Gore, Michael McCarthy, Kate Meyer, and Sarah Pitcher Hoffman this fall.  I am grateful for the successful work of our coaches and team captains in promoting and building a positive culture on their teams.  Thanks goes to Sue Benner for her organization and leadership of our athletic program this year.  It is a goal this year to increase participation and address program vitality and balance going forward.  I am pleased to see so many children fully involved in the life of the school.

The upper school Theater Ensemble presented the community with two remarkable productions, “The Proposal” by Chekov, and “The Pretentious Young Ladies” by Moliere, earlier this month.  The directorial debut of Amy Brentano was a rousing success, and the audiences on both nights were amazed and well-humored.  I am thankful for all that Amy has brought to BCD this year.  She has been a burst of positive spirit, directorship, and collegiality.

Development: I send special thanks to Robin and Buzz McGraw for graciously opening their home and hosting this year’s Leadership Donor reception.  The event was well attended, and Robin’s good cheer and sincere interest in the school’s future was infectious.

The plans for “Art Soiree,” BCD’s new signature fundraiser are well underway. Co-Chairs Marianna Poutasse and Donna Kittredge have organized a large and talented committee, and everyone is excited and rolling up their sleeves as members of one or more of the several sub-committees.

Facilities: Jim Childress and Peter Majewski from Centerbrook Architects led three excellent evening workshops during the past six weeks.  Thirty-six community members participated, representing new and veteran parents, faculty and staff, former parents and trustees, neighbors, former and current students, trustees, and administrators.  Building upon the feedback and thoughts gathered through meetings with every employee, the Board, and the Buildings and Grounds Committee, the process engaged participants in a thorough review of the campus and school facilities.  Input about ideas for the future was gathered, and the group offered feedback, criticism, and suggestions as Jim and Peter brought forth proposals and drawings.  Centerbrook will synthesize everything and present a draft of a master plan to the B&G Committee soon.  It is exciting to imagine that we will have a clear plan for the future that will guide our stewardship of the campus, help us set priorities, and assist with financial planning and fundraising initiatives.

Finance: The 2010-2011 fiscal year is on track.  Gwen Connolly has once again done a terrific job assisting the Finance Committee and creating the budget models required during the tuition and faculty salary increase process.  Within a framework of conservative assumptions, Gwen and I worked to develop proposals for next year and to create a five-year budget model.  As I’ve noted in the past, tuition increases (within a conservative forecast of enrollment with low reserves) alone cannot support significant increases in our faculty salaries.  With the creation of an endowment for faculty salaries last year, we have been able to add to the pool for salaries above and beyond the amount that tuition revenue will provide.  It was particularly gratifying to speak with the donor to this endowment about the impact that the endowment’s dividends were having this year.

Neighbor: Recently, our new neighbor (who purchased the 70 acre parcel from Tom Stokes that is adjacent to BCD) called to introduce himself. I am most appreciative that he has a keen interest in youth sports and openness to continue to permit BCD students/staff to ski and hike on his property.

Summer Program: As you know, BCD hosted a successful four-week-long IS183 preschool art program during the summer.  IS183 Director Hope Sullivan and I met recently to discuss our shared interest in continuing and expanding our partnership next year.  At this time, we are hoping to repeat the preschool program and expand it to eight weeks.  We are also discussing the possibility of hosting a similar program for children ages 5-7.

Technology:  With a gift from a donor this fall, we are considering proposals to support teaching and program initiatives.

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