Dear Second Grade Parents,

Our first week is off to a wonderful start. The children are great learners and listeners and have caught on to the new routines of Second Grade with great speed and enthusiasm.

I usually post my weekly blogs on Thursdays or Fridays but this week is a bit different!

Weekly work packets go home on Thursdays. ( I will wait until next Thursday the 12th to send the first packet home). I send home all the work from the week, completed or not. Please take a moment to go through the envelope with your child, it’s a great opportunity for them to share with you what they particularly enjoyed working on as well as what might have been more challenging for them. Please help your child to remember to bring the emptied envelope back to school to be refilled each week.

Waterbottles seem to be in great demand, if you haven’t already sent one in, please do so, or even a plastic cup that we could reuse.

Homework assignments will begin next week. A homework sheet will go home on Tuesdays and is due back on Thursday. At the start of 2nd grade, we are really just learning the routine of getting the sheet home and back to school on Thursday and it takes a few weeks before that becomes automatic.

We began working on outlining our Hopes and Dreams for the year ahead. We complied a robust list today that went from wanting to learn about, “…shapes and sized in Math” to “….wanting to be able to do a cartwheel.”

Finally, for those of you who are celebrating, I wish you wonderful new year!

Best, Katharine

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