At the Annual Board Meeting on May 12th, Board President Claire Pollart presented a positive picture about the work of the Board of Trustees this past year.  Committee chairs also shared information and reports from the Admissions/Marketing Committee, Buildings and Grounds Committee, Committee on Trustees, Development Committee, and Finance Committee.  So much has happened this year, and I continue to be appreciative of Claire’s leadership, the work of the Board, and the many community members who have participated on these committees and/or the initiatives that were undertaken this year.

I write to invite interested parents to attend a second presentation of the “state of the school” talk that I gave at the May 12 meeting.  This meeting will occur in the Library from 8:00-9:00 AM on Tuesday, May 31st, 2010.  I will review highlights from the past eleven months, share some information about the work accomplished by Board committees, and present a brief presentation of our new Master Facilities Plan.  To help us plan, please RSVP with Coree Reid.  I look forward to seeing you there.

“The girls were sitting in a tree studying lines from Macbeth! What more could a parent ask for?" Becky C.