In the re-enrollment packet sent to families back in early January, parents were asked to return their re-enrollment contracts to BCD by February 17, 2010. Here are two reasons why this date is important to BCD:
1. In February, we continue the budget planning process for the coming school year. The budget we work with is based on anticipated enrollment and projected tuition income. To maintain a balanced budget, an accurate assessment of projected enrollment is essential for our financial planning. Perhaps the most important reason to be able to accurately project enrollment is that it allows the School to make employment commitments to our faculty in a timely manner.
2. With current applications more than double the number at this time last year, we currently anticipate the possibility of a waiting list for one or more classes next year. Your re-enrollment contract reserves a space for your child(ren) in next year’s class(es).
Please remember that the Board has created a tuition structure for next year that is tied to the deadline for submitting enrollment contracts with a deposit. In addition to supporting staffing and program planning and reserving a space for your child(ren), receiving enrollment contracts on time contributes to our ability to manage cash flow and accomplish projects planned during the current year.
Please consider the importance of the February 17, 2010 deadline to your School. If you have any questions about your re-enrollment contract or the re- enrollment deadline, please contact Gwen Connolly, or if you would like to have a confidential discussion about financial aid, please contact Amy Broberg.
Thank you for the many ways that you contribute to BCD and your continued support of our admissions efforts this year. Your referrals and positive messages out in the community are introducing many new families to BCD!