Hi Everyone,
We are very happy to share how well all of the children are adjusting to life in Preschool at BCD! They are all learning how to sit peacefully and listen during Morning Meeting and most of them are comfortable raising their hands when having something to share. We continued our Guided Discoveries and learned about the Small Building Toys, the Math Area, the Writing Center and the climbing bars. On Thursday, the children painted with red, yellow and blue liquid water colors on large white paper. After this initial painting was complete, each child was given a heart to paint. Now that we have introduced all of the learning centers in the classroom, we asked each child what he or she hopes to do in Preschool this year. Their thoughts have been recorded and attached to their painted hearts and posted above the classroom cubbies. We will take some time next week to talk about how we will make sure everyone can achieve his or her Hopes and Dreams in a safe and productive manner. From this discussion, we will generate our classroom rules.
On Tuesday, we practiced writing “a,” for Annie Apple. We do this by first, writing in the air with our fingers and next by sitting in small groups and practice tracing around the letter. With each letter their is a simple phrase the children learn as they retain the proper way to write the letter. The phrase for remembering how to write “a” is:
At the leaf begin. Go round the apple this way. Then add a line down, so Annie won’t roll away.
This is just an initial exposure to writing. Some children are ready to begin writing, while others’ fine motor skills are still developing. Our activities are designed to plant the seeds of curiosity and interest in learning letter sounds and their shapes.
Continuing along with the Letterland characters, we met Bouncy Ben on Wednesday. It was a beautiful day and we all had great fun pointing out words that b
egin with Bouncy Ben’s sound. He lives in Letterland with his brothers who like to play baseball and ride in boats and hot air balloons. Obviously, Ben loves to bounce about, making his b-b-b sound as he bounces his ball. We also introduced paints using brayers and brushes. The children made group butterflies and balloons by painting with blue and brown paint. They are posted in the Berkshire Room and the Long Room. On Friday, also in honor of Bouncy B
en, we baked brownies from scratch! We even got to taste test a few chocolate chips. After washing our hands with soap and water, we made careful note of the recipe. Everyone took turns measuring and mixing the batter. While the brownies were baking, the children learned how to write the letter “b.” The saying to help them remember how to form the “b” is:
Brush down Ben’s big, long ears. Go up and round his head so his face appears!
The Brownies were delicious! Next week, we will meet Clever Cat, the smartest Cat in Letterland!
During Morning Meeting, using a book entitled “ABC’s Yoga Kids,” we are learning yoga positions for each new letter introduced. So far, we have learned the airplane, alligator, butterfly, bridge, boat and bird.
We would like to thank Henry for bringing two Monarch caterpillars to the classroom. There is a large meadow near his home where the Monarchs love to munch on milkweed. Everyone took a good look at the first caterpillar that climbed to the top of our butterfly garden. It attached itself to the top and then curled into a “J”. By the next morning, it had shed its outer skin and it was in the chrysalis stage. The next day, the children also discovered the second butterfly had crept to the top of the habitat, where it slowly formed a “J,” as well. The children are encouraged to draw their observations in the Science notebook. The teachers also write the children’s observations in the notebook. From time to time, we will read and share what has been recorded. Thank you for sharing the caterpillars with us, Henry!
Back-to-School-Night for Preschool and Lower School is scheduled for this Thursday, September 22nd at 6:15pm. During this meeting, we will share important information about the Preschool Program, Curriculum and schedule. We will also share information about Responsive Classroom and how it is implemented at the Preschool level. Specialty Teachers will also provide you with overviews of Preschool Music, French, Gym and Library. Presentations should conclude by 8:15pm. This event is for parents only. Childcare is not provided. We hope that everyone will be able to join us for this important meeting. If you are not able to attend, please let us know.
Today was our first Pizza Lunch. Please check with your child to make sure that he or she had enough pizza or that they liked the kind of pizza they ordered. Any changes in pizza orders must be made by Friday, September 23rd.
Some of the Books we Read:
My New Boy, by Joan Phillips and Lynn Munsinger
Blueberries for Sal, by Robert McCloskey
The Berenstains’ B Book, by The Berenstains
Fidgety Fish, by Ruth Galloway
How Deep is the Sea, by Anna Milbourne and Serena Riglietti
Butterflies and Moths, by Kathryn Knight
A Fish Out of Water, by Helen Palmer and P.D. Eastman
Dates to Remember:
Monday, September 19th, Scholastic Book orders due
Thursday, September 22nd, Back-to-School-Night, 6:15pm, parents only, no childcare
Thursday, September 29th, No School, Rosh Hashanah
Monday, October 10th, No School, Columbus Day
Friday, October 21st, Grandparent and Grandfriend’s Day, dismissal at 1 pm, details coming soon!
Have a Nice Weekend!
Ellie and Joni