Hi Everyone,

We began the week by celebrating Margaret’s Adoption Day!  Her mom, Priscilla, and dad, Joe, joined us for Morning Meeting on Monday.  Margaret also has a much older sister, Lucy.  Priscilla shared a photo album filled with pictures of Margaret when she was first born in Guatemala.  We also saw pictures of she and her parents when they were able to visit her before she was adopted and when they were able to finally pick her up and bring her home.  Priscilla  read us two stories about families who adopted children into their families.  One story, “Over the Moon,” by Karen Katz is a dear story about the warm anticipation and journey of a family who adopts a child from Central America.  The second story, “Rosie’s Family,” by Lori Rosove and Heather Burrill is about a family of schnauzers who adopt a beagle puppy.  She also brought in another book, “Guatemala ABCs,” by Marcie Aboff and Zachary Trover.   Margaret shared raw celery, carrots, red peppers, hummus and popcorn for snack.  After lunch we had yummy vanilla cupcakes with sprinkles.  Happy Adoption day, Margaret, Priscilla, Joe and Lucy!

This was a romping stomping week in Pre K.  Our classroom has been transformed into Dinosaur World!  On Tuesday, Mrs. Atwater’s cousin, Dr. Atwater, joined us for Morning Meeting.  Dr. Atwater is a paleontologist who works at a nearby University.  Allegedly, he flew to BCD on a helicopter which landed on Cole Field.  Mrs. Atwater invited him to talk to the children about dinosaurs.  He had a bag of tools he uses in his work and he introduced the children to the Paleontology Lab in the Science Corner.  He also shared many of the other dinosaur games and activities which are now sprinkled about the room.  We have dinosaur puzzles, toy dinosaurs, dinosaur stencils, dinosaur bones, dinosaur texture rubbing plates, dinosaur dominoes, dinosaur lotto games, dinosaur books and dinosaur puppets.

Some of the basic concepts we will explore are the facts the dinosaurs were herbivores, carnivores or omnivores; some dinosaurs walked on two feet and some walked on all four legs; dinosaurs had spikes, claws, crests and/or armour; people were not alive when dinosaurs lived on the earth; dinosaurs are extinct and paleontologists study fossils to learn about the world millions of years ago.

On Wednesday, we had Peer Readers with our Second Grade friends.  The teams are becoming more comfortable with one another.  The Preschool children are doing a great job listening and the Second Grade students are doing a wonderful job reading.

On Thursday, we made calendars for you to use at home.  Making note of the calendar each day helps children develop their knowledge of the days of the week, month and counting using one-to-one correspondence.  This also helps them learn the shapes of numbers.

On Friday, we joined Kindergarten in the Gym for some free play.  The children played with balls and scooters.  We also had extra time to play indoors, which is always a welcomed time.

This week we also met the Letterland character “Munching Mike.”  Mike is a marvelous metal monster.  He lives with his mum in the mountains at Letterland.  He moves very fast, as he has three metal wheels.  He eats meals of melon, mango’s, marshmallows, metal and magnets!  Whenever we eat our favorite meals, we make his sound, /m/.  Next week we will meet Noisy Nick!

Also, next week, we will have Pajama Day on Wednesday, January 20th!  The children (and teachers) are invited to wear their pajamas to school for the day.  Kindergarten will join us for some cozy night time activities and we will provide a special snack.  Children may also bring a special blanket, a cuddle toy and a flashlight.  Feel free to send in a set of regular clothes for your child to change into later in the day, should they choose to do so.


  • Please be sure to remove wet boots or shoes before entering Preschool Classrooms
  • Please check your child(ren)’s extra clothes and replenish when needed
  • Please be sure to send sneakers for Gym on Wednesdays or leave a pair in your child’s cubby
  • Bring Library Books from home on Fridays

Dates to note:

  • Monday, January 18th, NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • Wednesday, January 20th, Pajama Day, wear your PJs!
  • Friday, January 22nd, Ski-Friday, early dismissal, 12:35pm
  • Friday, January 29th, Ski-Friday, early dismissal, 12:35pm
  • Friday, February 5th, Ski-Friday, early dismissal, 12:35pm
  • Wednesday, February 10th, Alaska Day (dress to be outdoors!)
  • Friday, February 12th, Ski-Friday, early dismissal, 12:35pm
  • Monday, February 15th, NO SCHOOL, Mid-Winter Break
  • Tuesday, February 16th, NO SCHOOL, Mid-Winter Break
  • Friday, February 19th, Pizza Lunch, No Ski-Friday, full day (Public School vacation)
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Workers at the Dig Site

Magnet Dinosaurs

Recording our Observations

Time for Action!

Have a Great Weekend!
