Hi Everyone,
Pre K has suddenly become a bit spoooky! There are books about pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns, witches, ghosts, cats and goblins! We now have a Jack-O-Lantern Match Game; a Pom-Pom Toss Game; a game of “The Witch’s Cauldron”; a Jack-O-Lantern math game; Halloween finger puppets; Halloween cookie cutters and glow in the dark chalk. We have also learned more Halloween songs and poems.
Another interesting coincidence occurred this week. Just as we began talking about Ghosts, Ghouls and Goblins, we met the character Golden Girl from Letterland. She loves the color green and she has long golden hair, on which she likes to swing. She is a great gardener. According to her grandparents, she grows great green grapes in her greenhouse. I could go on forever! We have had a lot of fun pointing out her sound throughout the week. Next week we will meet Harry Hat Man, just in time for Halloween!
Earlier this week, the children made Ghoulish Goblin masks by decorating paper plates with glitter paint, markers, feathers and buttons. This project required two days of work. They are very spooky! Today, we joined all of BCD for a Halloween Assembly in Furey Hall. Once, again, each class presented something special to their schoolmates. Pre K performed, “Five Little Pumpkin,” “Black Cat” and “First You Take a Pumpkin.” We wore our Goblin masks to scare everyone at the end of our performance. Middle School, along with the help of Joanne Delcarpine, did Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” dance for us to close the day.
This week, we have continued using scissors. In addition, we have started learning how to trace around objects. It can be very tricky to hold the stencil steady with one hand and trace around it with a pencil or marker with the other hand. Once everyone practiced tracing circles, squares and triangles, I handed out stencils, or tracers, in the shapes of pumpkins. The children were instructed to trace the pumpkin and then cut it out with scissors. This took lots of concentration and work. We will use these pumpkins to create old-fashioned Dancing Jack and Jackies, by adding glitter and other decorations. Be sure to look for them in The Berkshire Room next week.
We would like to thank Lily’s mom, Tiffany, for joining us on Wednesday as a Guest Reader. Just in time for Halloween, she read us “The Rainbow Goblins,” by Ul De Rico. This was a story about some mischievous goblins who wanted to steal the rainbow from the sky. There was a goblin named for each of the colors of the rainbow. Upon hearing of their plan, a meadow filled with flowers helped to save the day! In addition, Tiffany read us “Hello, Wally!” by Jerry Remy and illustrated by Danny Moore. This was a great book about the Boston Red Sox and their mascot, “Wally!”
On Friday, we had another Guest Reader. Mrs. Drees joined us to read two Halloween stories. One was about pumpkin heads and the other was a rhyming book about Trick-or-Treat. We also had some extra fun with Mrs. Heady, while Mrs. Cooke was away for a bit in the morning.
This week, many of the children have been creating intricate designs using our wooden Geoshapes. Some build up and some build around. Some children design flowers, gardens, houses or people. While playing with and manipulating the shapes, they are noticing certain features of the shapes.
- “Look! It takes six triangles to make a hexagon!”
We will celebrate Halloween on Thursday, October 31st. On this day, children are invited to wear their costumes to school. Costumes should be easy to put on and allow children to move about freely. Please do not send irreplaceable accessories, as we cannot ensure that they will return home in the same condition that they arrive. We know that the children may have other events to attend. In addition, please refrain from allowing children to bring any pretend weapons, masks, or overly scary costumes. Weapons are against classroom policy and masks hinder vision and coordination.
Our Class Parents, Kim and Barbara, will be helping us organize treats for snacks and desserts. We will have a “trick-filled” Morning Meeting and then we will go on our annual Halloween Parade. Parents are welcome to join us for the parade. Once we return to the classrooms and we say good-bye to parents, we will have our own celebration with special Halloween activities. Halloween treats will be served for snack time and after lunch. Please be sure to send in a set of clothes in a labeled bag for your child to change into whenever he or she is ready. This should be a fun-filled morning!
Important Reminders:
- Preschool goes outdoors each day. Please be sure children have sweaters or coats as the mornings are often chilly.
- Please replenish extra clothes when necessary. Children should have a full set of clothing, including socks, undergarments, shirts and pants.
- Leaving a sweatshirt or sweater for days that may be chilly indoors may help your child feel more comfortable.
- It is a good idea for children who wear dresses to also wear shorts or leggings.
- Please be sure to send in a refillable drink container for us to fill with water. In our efforts to be green, we try to refrain from using plastic cups.
- Please be sure to send appropriate flatware in your child’s lunch.
- Including a variety of snack items is encouraged for young growing children.
- If your child needs to have an item warmed up, please be sure it is in a microwave safe container.
- Children are welcome to leave an extra pair of sneakers or other shoes in school.
- Please send Library books back to school on Mondays.
Dates to remember:
Thursday, October 31st, Pre K Halloween Parade and Party!
Thursday, November 7th, Parent/Teacher Conferences, beginning at 3:15pm; parents only; child care provided until 5:30pm. Pre-Registration required.
Friday, November 8th, No School, Parent/Teacher Conferences, beginning at 8:00am; parents only; no child care provided.
Monday, November 11th, No School, Veteran’s Day
Friday, November 15th, Pizza Lunch
Thursday, November 21st, Preschool and Kindergarten Friendship Lunch
Tuesday, November 26th, BCD Soup Day! 1pm dismissal for entire school; No Extended Day
No School, Wednesday ~ Friday, November 23th, ~ 29th, Thanksgiving Break
Monday, December 1st, classes resume
Friday, December 13th, Pizza Lunch
Thursday, December 19th, Pre K Winter Solstice Party
Friday, December 20th, Winter Break begins at the end of the school day
Monday, January 6, 2014, Classes resume
Friday, January 10th, Ski Friday begins; Pre K is dismissed at 12:45pm
Have a Great Weekend!