Hi Everyone,

Although the weather took a turn last Monday afternoon, we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to spend some time outdoors in the morning.  The wind was already starting to pick up.  As we glanced around the playground, we witnessed the leaves blowing from the trees and whirling around in the air.  Even more exciting were the needles falling from the pine trees, like snow!  Everyone had fun trying to catch leaves and needles before they hit the ground.  Some of the children laid flat on their backs so they could see the leaves as they fell off the branches.


It’s snowing pine needles!


Signs of autumn on the playground.

The children also made collages using leaves made from fabric, oil pastels and glitter.  They even added acorn caps, which they had found while on a walk.  Adding the glitter was a special request from Krish.  These collages are currently on display in the Berkshire Room.


Making autumn collages.


Just a “touch” of glitter.


Lily’s parents, Carter and Tiffany, brought in their family cider press on Tuesday.  The press was set up near the sandbox on the playground.  This way, the children were able to see how the press worked from different views.  A rain gutter ran from the deck railing down to the cider press.  Together with the B3s, and Kindergarten, everyone had the opportunity to roll apples down the gutter, while Carter turned the big wheel to grind the apples.  Lily knew just how it works.  Rose took on the role of looking out for apples that had leaped out of the press.  Once the bucket was full of mushed up apples, Carter pressed the apples through a mesh bag and the cider flowed into a big bucket.  Next, using a funnel, Tiffany poured the cider into a gallon jug.  As she poured, the children were keeping a watchful eye for when the jug was full.  Unable to resist temptation, many of the children asked if they could just have an apple to eat.  They seemed to have a nice time sitting on the climber, munching on apples and watching their Kindergarten friends roll and press the apples next.  Carter and Tiffany also shared this fun experience with First Grade.  Once everyone had cider, Carter took the apple compote out to the the compost pile near the garden.  Once again, we talked about how the apple skins, stems and seeds would decompose and turn back into soil for our gardens.  At snack time, everyone was offered a cup of cider.  We all agreed it was like “drinking apples!”  Thank you so much to Lily, Tiffany and Carter.  It was a very fun, interesting and delicious morning.  We surprised Tiffany and Carter with a “Thank You” book in the shape of an apple.  Everyone decorated an apple and shared their memories of the day.


This is a cider press.


Down the chute goes the apple!


Straight down to the bucket!


Preparing the press.


Inserting the crank.


It takes a lot of muscles to turn the crank!




Apples in the sunshine on a beautiful fall day.



Holding the funnel steady and pouring the cider takes team work.


Thank you, Tiffany and Carter!

After we finished our snack, much to our surprise, the real fire alarm sounded.  It was very alarming!  We were sitting together on the rug, gathering for a story at the time.  Everyone knew just what to do.  The children quietly stood up and line up at the door.  I counted to be sure we had eight children and we headed out toward the coat room.  Ms. Rossie came down to walk outdoors with us, as well.  It just so happens that the Beginner Threes had just left for a field trip.  Everyone was very quiet and followed me in a line as we made our way to the tunnel, where the rest of the school was gathering.  Mr. Lindenmaier checked to make sure everyone was accounted for.  He shared with everyone that Chief Cardillo, from the Stockbridge Fire Department reported that we did a great job.  Lots of discussions followed regarding what we should do if we were eating, going to the bathroom or painting when the alarm sounds.  All day long, the children would mention that they should just stop what they were doing and line up at the door if they should hear the alarm.  This is how we can help them learn what to do in an emergency.  As I have shared previously, this is a good time to talk with your children about what they should do if the fire alarm sounds, while at home.

What a joyful day we had at BCD on Friday!  The children were thrilled to have their grandparents and grand friends join them at school.  Preschool and Lower School put on a special presentation for all of the Grandparents.  Pre K and Kindergarten sang “Peace is the World Smiling,” along with sign language.  Next, our grandparents and friends met us in the classroom.  Earlier, the children decorated a welcome sign with their hand prints.  In addition, the children made beautiful necklaces for their guests to wear.  Before our company arrived, we decided which activities we should save for another time, since there would be many adults in our room.  Rose suggested that dancing might be an activity to save for another day.  After a few songs, the children showed their guests around the classroom and had some time to read, paint, draw and build.  It was very exciting.  After lunch, everyone gathered in Fitzpatrick Hall for songs from the choral groups.  We hope that everyone had a good visit.  It was a beautiful day.


Building a tractor with Lego’s on the rug with Nana.


Drawing rainbows!


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What should we do next?


Let me read you a story.


Grand friends on a grand day!

Important Reminders:

  • Preschool goes outdoors each day.  Please be sure children have sweaters or coats as the mornings are often chilly.
  • Please replenish extra clothes when necessary.  Children should have a full set of clothing, including socks, undergarments, shirts and pants. 
  • Leaving a sweatshirt or sweater for days that may be chilly indoors may help your child feel more comfortable.
  • It is a good idea for children who wear dresses to also wear shorts or leggings.
  • Please be sure to send in a refillable drink container for us to fill with water.  In our efforts to be green, we try to refrain from using plastic cups.
  • Please be sure to send appropriate flatware in your child’s lunch.
  • Including a variety of snack items is encouraged for young growing children.
  • If your child needs to have an item warmed up, please be sure it is in a microwave safe container.
  • Children are welcome to leave an extra pair of sneakers or other shoes in school. 
  • Please send Library books back to school on Mondays.

Dates to remember:

Thursday, October 31st, Pre K Halloween Parade and Party!

Thursday, November 7th, Parent/Teacher Conferences, beginning at 3:15pm;  parents only;  child care provided until 5:30pm.  Pre-Registration required.

Friday, November 8th, No School, Parent/Teacher Conferences, beginninng at 8:00am; parents only;  no child care provided.

Monday, November 11th, No School, Veteran’s Day


Happy Autumn!
