Hi Everyone!

On Monday, the children shared fun stories of Trick-or-Treat events and activities.  Everyone was a bit sleepy, but ready for a new week in Pre K.  Last week, we met Golden Girl from Letterland, so, on Monday, we decided to read Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss.  For a cooking activity,  the children helped us scramble some eggs with an old fashioned hand mixer.  They were quite surprised when we served them the eggs, as they had magically turned green!  Almost everyone took a taste.  One student proclaimed that they were the best eggs that she had ever tasted!  It must have been the magic.

On Tuesday, we introduced Gears-go-Round, which is a set of small building toys that includes gears and cranks.  In addition, on the way to school every day, we have all been exposed to an unusual amount of road construction.  For this very reason, we decided to “dig out” the construction vehicles.  There is a cement truck, an excavator, a crane and a dump truck.  There are also construction workers and a number of other small accessories.  We talked about the delicate pieces and how we must use gentle hands when using these toys.     Also, on Tuesday, we decorated paper glasses. Some children chose to call them goggles.

Wednesday the children drew new self-portraits.  We talked about our features, such as eye color, teeth, hands and fingers and clothing.  The children are really progressing and adding more detail to their pictures. The pictures will be displayed in the room for everyone to see.  We also added a wooden balancing game to our Math Corner.  We also met “Harry Hatman,” from Letterland.  Harry likes houses and hats so much, that he made the roof of his house a giant hairy hat.  His house sits on the edge of a big hill.  Harry always whispers and he doesn’t like loud noises.  He keeps bees in hives and he grows hollyhocks and hydrangeas.  Cute little hedgehogs live in his yard, along with a horse and some hens.  Next week we will meet “Impy Ink!”

On Thursday, the children played a Shape Bingo Game, to work on their shape naming skills.  In addition, they practiced tracing large geometric shapes.  Because of the rain, we enjoyed extra time playing in the B3 and Pre K classrooms.

Some of the great Books we Read during our short week:

  • Kitchen Dance, by Maurie J. Manning
  • Fox in Socks, by Dr. Seuss
  • Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss
  • Firefighters, by Norma Simon
  • The Dragon’s Cold, by John Talbot
  • Harry the Dirty Dog, by Gene Zion and Margaret Bloy Graham

Important Reminders:

  • Please replenish your child’s supply of extra clothes, some children only have shorts and socks.
  • Young children need a variety of foods and plenty of them! Please feel free to pack more food in your child’s lunchbox than you think he or she will eat.  We never know when a child will want just a little more to eat for snack or lunch.  We want to ensure that everyone has a full and content tummy!
  • Water bottles are encouraged, as we can refill them when needed.
  • Please remember to take rest items home and launder them often.
  • Library Books need to be returned on Fridays.
  • Older students have outdoor time until 12:40 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Please wait until that time to allow Preschool children to play on the playground, as this is the only time they have to be outdoors during their busy day.
  • Please remember to remove wet shoes and boots before entering the classrooms. This way our floors will stay dry.  Thank you!
  • Scholastic Book Orders are due Wednesday, November 10th.  Thank you for supporting this great cause!

Dates of Importance:

  • Thursday, November 4th, Preschool Parent/Teacher Conferences begin at 3:30pm
  • Friday, November 5th, No School for Preschool, Preschool Parent/Teacher Conferences, beginning at 8:00am
  • Thursday, November 11th, No School, Veteran’s Day
  • Tuesday, November 16th, Preschool and Kindergarten’s Annual Friendship Lunch
  • Friday, November 19th, Pizza Lunch
  • Tuesday, November 23rd, BCD Thanksgiving Soup, dismissal at 1:00p.m.
  • Wednesday, November 24th~Friday, November 26th, No School, Thanksgiving Break
  • Friday, December 5th, Preschool is in session.  No School for Lower School.
  • As we are busily preparing for your Parent/Teacher Conferences, we chose to post our newsletter today.

    Enjoy Your Weekend,

    Ellie and Joni