Hi Everyone!

What a wonderful treat!  Friday was the very first time Preschool has performed in a school concert.  The children were fantastic farmers!  They had great fun practicing singing their song and doing the motions.  Performing in front of an audience takes great confidence and courage at any age.  After each of the concerts we have attended throughout the year, many of the children questioned when they would have a turn singing for the audience.  Their day in the spotlight finally arrived!

Yet another wonderful time this week was our Mommies’ Breakfast on Thursday.  All week long the children worked on special surprises for their mothers.  They made flower vases by decorating clear drink bottles with stickers and stings of pearls.  Colorful flowers were made using Dixie cups, pipe cleaners and tissue paper.  They also made Mother’s Day cards, beaded necklaces and baked yummy muffins.  Earlier in the week, they helped develop a list of menu items and supplies we would need to set up our buffet.  (Sorry!  We did not seem to have enough time to squeeze our own orange juice this year!)  It was nice to have you spend a bit more time in the classroom with us.  Extra thanks goes to fathers Geoff, Warren and Matt.  We hope you enjoyed the morning.  We sure did!

On Monday, we listened to a story about honeybees and we watched a video about how bees communicate.  You may watch the same video by clicking on the Link listed as “Animal Communication Song” on the left of this blog.  Scroll down the choices until you reach “Animal Communication Song.”  There are also quite a few other fun videos about science on this site.  The children also learned that the cells in a beehive are formed in the shape of a hexagon.  The children traced hexagons on yellow paper and made eggs, larva, pupa, bees and honey in the cells.  Their creations are displayed in the Berkshire Room.  On Friday, we used “bubble scissors” designed to capture insects.  We can study them for a minute or two, and then release the insects back into their environment.  Next week we will introduce more tools we use to study insects and we will learn about butterflies.

Now that we have completed meeting all of the Letterland characters, Pre K would like to have a Letterland Party!  On Wednesday, May 19th, the children will be invited to come to school dressed as the character that their first name begins with.  We will send home a copy of  the character’s story so that you can help your child create his or her costume.  We will also have some alphabet snacks and play some alphabet games.  Children may also bring regular clothes to change into later in the day.

Important Reminders:

  • As the temperature has changed, please check your bag of extra clothes for your child to be sure everything fits and that there is a complete change of clothes
  • Bring Library books back on Fridays
  • If lunch items need to be heated up, please be sure the container can be too
  • Please be sure to include a spoon or fork when needed
  • The Preschool classrooms open at 7:55a.m.
  • Remember to have your child wash his or her hands before entering the classroom each morning
  • Please be sure your child has sneakers and socks for the playground. Sandals, crocs, cowboy boots, etc. are not safe on the climber.
  • It is good idea for children wearing dresses to also wear shorts or leggings.

Dates to Note:

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Friday, May 14th, Final Pizza Lunch

Wednesday, May 19th, Letterland Party

Wednesday, May 26th, Fun and Field Day (Dress for outdoor fun and getting wet!)  Details TBA

Thursday, May 27th, Fun and Field Day, rain date I

Friday, May 28th, Spring Fling Day, details TBA

Monday, May 31st, No School, Memorial Day

Wednesday, June 2nd, Fun and Field Day, rain date II

Thursday, June 3rd, Move Up Lunch (we call it “Lunch With Mrs. Patel”, for Pre K , and “Lunch With Mrs. Atwater”, for the B3s)

Thursday, June 10th, Last Day of School; Closing Ceremonies; All School Family Picnic, beginning at noon; dismissal at 1:00pm

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day!
