Hello Everyone!
We started our week by celebrating Devan’s Star Day. His mom, Sue, joined us for his Star Day Morning Meeting. Devan shared a photo album that included many pictures of him when he was a baby, a toddler and as he is today. It also included photographs of his family and his family’s black lab. We were very surprised to see that when he was a toddler, he had lots of curly black hair. As a Preschool student, Devan enjoys doing art projects, cutting with scissors, doing puzzles and listening to stories. His favorite food is corn and he shared the book “Duck Soup,” by Jackie Urbanovic. For snack and after lunch, Devan brought in raw vegetables and dip, fruit and cupcakes. Happy Star Day and Happy Birthday, Devan!
Also, on Monday, we brought activities into the Library for free choice time. We found it to be much warmer in the Library as the heat was being restored in our building. By 1:30, our classroom was toasty warm, once more. Earlier in the morning, Dr. L. and Abdullah’s big sister, Amal, performed the play “The Lorax,” by Dr. Seuss. They even made the Onceler’s Office. Friday, the children were joined by Kindergarten and treated to the animated movie which was projected onto a big screen in the Library.
In addition, this week, we made Mardi Gras masks by decorating purple, green and gold masks with jewels, sequins and feathers. Margaret’s grandmother, Mimi, lives in New Orleans and she sent us a real King’s cake for snack. What a yummy treat! Thank you, Mimi! We also explored four stations that were set up with four different kinds of paint brushes. There were dab-a-doos, bamboo brushes, brayers and double brushes. The children worked together and painted using the various brushes on large paper together. Because we had so many masterpieces, each child was given a painting to take home. The type of brush used on the painting is printed on the artwork. Paint brushes are tools that can be used by artists and people who need to paint things.
We would like to thank you for coming to Parent/Teacher Conferences last week. As always, it was a pleasure to talk about your child’s progress and experiences in Pre K.
We hope that everyone has a nice two week break. All rest items and extra clothes have been sent home for laundering and review. We shared with the children that we are sure they will be much bigger when they return to school in the Spring! Don’t forget to restock extra clothes and rest things when you return on the 28th of March.
Here are a few snapshots of our week in Pre K:
Important Reminders:
Water bottles are encouraged, as we can refill them when needed.
Library Books need to be returned on Fridays.
**Please remember to enter the classroom via the Coat room and everyone please remove wet shoes and boots before entering the classrooms. **This way our floors will stay dry, as we sit on them. Thank you!
Please send items to be heated up in a container that can be microwaved. If you do not have such a container, you may send a separate bowl or small plate with your child’s lunch.
Please remember that items that contain nuts, peanuts, pesto or sesame oil and need to be heated up, are labeled so that we can do so in an alternate microwave, as our Preschool/Kindergarten kitchen is nut-free.
Please be sure your child has a snowsuit or snow-pants, hat, boots, gloves or mittens, and a warm jacket, as we try to go out everyday to play in the snow; also a complete change of clothes is needed. ***Upon return to school, these items will only be needed if there is still snow on the playground or it is really cold***
Dates of Importance:
Friday, March 11th, Spring Break begins at the end of the school day
Monday, March 28th, Classes resume ***Please note this change in the calendar***
Think Spring!
Ellie and Joni