Hi Everyone,
One of the highlights of our week in Preschool was, of course, Pajama Day! The children were tickled to see everyone, including the teachers walking about the classroom in their robes, slippers and pajamas. Instead of saying “Good Morning Friends!” our message read, “Good Night Friends!” We started our morning with a sleepy Morning Meeting with B3s and Kindergarten. Mrs. Patel read a factual book about the solar system and a fun book about some animals having a pajama party. Next, the children were placed in five different groups comprised of students from each grade level. There were five stations located in the Kindergarten and Pre K classrooms. Miss Guerette was in charge of the Shooting Star Station. Here, the children tossed glow-in-the-dark stars into boxes. Ms. Smith was in charge of the “Sleep Station.” This is where the children took turns playing in a small tent with flashlights; looked through books about nighttime and the solar system; played with a moonbeam balance game; and looked through a glow-in-the-dark box. Mrs. Patel provided the children with special star stickers and silver markers to make nighttime pictures. Mrs. Atwater helped the children decorate pre-sewn pillows with fabric markers. Once stuffed with batting, they were stitched on the sewing machine. Each pillow has a picture of a planet and a fact about that planet. When you get them home, please put the pillows in the dryer on high for about 20 minutes. This will set the fabric paint.
Finally, Ms. Bannon helped the children make glow-in-the-dark necklaces. Be sure to invite your children to look at their nighttime pictures and necklaces in a dark space at home. For snack, we shared hot (warm) cocoa and popcorn. Madame Whalen and Mrs. Hilliard were so surprised and jealous when they saw us in our cozy pj’s. Later in the afternoon, those of us who were awake, watched a movie with Kindergarten in the Library. What a fun day!
Nighttime Pictures with Mrs. Patel
Happy Pajama Day!
In addition to exploring more of the dinosaurs and playing more dinosaur board games, the children dictated stories about their Shape-O-Sauruses. We printed them out and posted them next to their dinosaurs. They are learning so many new things about dinosaurs. We have also spent time playing games, one-on-one, with each of the children as we gather information about where their skills are now and what their “next steps” will be. We will complete a Student Profile for each child and they will be sent home mid-February. Each of the children has grown in so many ways, since the beginning of the schoolyear.
Mrs. Mootel's Black and White Birthday
Important Reminders:
- Please replenish your child’s supply of extra clothes. Everyone needs: long sleeve shirt, long pants, a pair or 2 of underwear and 2 pairs of socks.
- Young children need a variety of foods and plenty of them! We want to ensure that everyone has a full and content tummy!
- Water bottles are encouraged, as we can refill them when needed.
- Library Books need to be returned on Fridays.
- **Please remember to enter the classroom via the Coat room and everyone please remove wet shoes and boots before entering the classrooms. **This way our floors will stay dry, as we sit on them. Thank you!
- Please send items to be heated up in a container that can be microwaved. If you do not have such a container, you may send a separate bowl or small plate with your child’s lunch.
- Please remember that items that contain nuts, peanuts, pesto or sesame oil and need to be heated up, are labeled so that we can do so in an alternate microwave, as our Preschool/Kindergarten kitchen is nut-free.
- Please be sure your child has a snowsuit or snow-pants, hat, boots, gloves or mittens, and a warm jacket, as we try to go out everyday to play in the snow.
Dates of Importance
- Friday, February 4th, Ski Friday, dismissal at 12:45 p.m.
- Friday, February 11th, Ski Friday, dismissal at 12:45 p.m.
- Monday, February 14th, Pre K Valentine’s Day Party
- Friday, February 18th, Pizza Friday, Ski Friday, dismissal at 12:45 p.m.
- Monday and Tuesday, February 21st and 22nd, Mid-Winter break, No School
- Friday, February 25th, NO SKI FRIDAY, full day of classes
- Thursday, March 3rd, Preschool Parent/Teacher Conferences, beginning at 3:30 p.m.
- Friday, March 4th, No School for Preschool, Parent/Teacher Conferences, 8:00 a.m. to noon
- Friday, March 11th, Spring Break begins at the end of the school day
- Monday, March 28th, No School, Teacher Professional Development Day
- Tuesday, March 29th, Classes Resume
Enjoy the Weekend!
Ellie and Joni