Hi Everyone,
The highlight of our week was certainly Pajama Day on Wednesday! Kindergarten and the B3s joined us for a fun filled morning of cozy games and activities. Some children were a little reluctant to come into the classroom wearing their pajamas, but once they saw how everyone else was dressed, they joined right in! At Morning Meeting, we sang some lullabies, listened to the story, “Tell Me Something Happy Before I go to Sleep,” by Joyce Dunbar and Debi Gliori, and we played a night time listening game named, “Just Like Me!” Next, we divided the children into groups and they rotated through three stations. Miss Guerette played a shooting star game, where the children gently tossed plastic glow in the dark stars onto a gold tray. Mrs. Patel lead the children at her station in creating glow in the dark “sweet dream” pictures using craypas, glow in the dark stickers and glitter paper. Mrs. Atwater showed them a star box, handed out glow in the dark necklaces (or sticks) and played a flashlight game with the children. For snack, we all enjoyed popcorn and hot chocolate. Preschoolers even went to Gym with their pajamas on! Needless to say, Rest Time was very peaceful on Pajama Day. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Continuing our exploration of dinosaurs, on Tuesday, we made “Shape-O-Sauruses” from brightly colored shapes. The children had to decide if their dinosaurs walked on two or three legs; what shape the body should be; whether or not their dinosaur had spikes, horns, plates or a crest. They arranged and glued the shapes on black paper. The Shape-O-Sauruses will be on display in the Pre K room. On Thursday we painted pre-cut dinosaurs using the crayon resist painting method. Prior to embarking on this project, we discussed the fact that paleontologists are not certain what color the dinosaurs really were. Because of this, we are able to use our imaginations and design the colors and patterns of what we think dinosaurs looked like. Once dry, these creations will also be displayed in the Pre K room.
Doria Pollinger joined us on Friday, as I was away. Miss Guerette reported that the children enjoyed free play in the gym. Today was Mrs. Patel’s birthday and the children drew her pictures of cows. She thought they were mooovelous!
This week we finally met Noisy Nick, from Letterland. Nick is so noisy because he likes to play on his drums and bang on nails! His neighbors think his noisiness is a nuisance. The children had a scavenger hunt to look for items beginning with Nick’s sound, /n/. They found next to nothing! The words and names that came about were neck, nose, nickle, knee, knuckle, noise, nut, Nathan, Nancy, Nick. NNNNext week we will meet Oscar Orange and Peter Puppy.
During French class this week, we all learned to count to 10. The children are also expert color hunters, as we continue to explore colors, especially red = rouge; blue = bleu; yellow = jaune!!
Thank you to the families who have generously donated toward the BCD Haiti Relief Fund. B3s and Pre K did not attend the school wide assemblies last week and earlier this week, as we felt that it would not have been appropriate for very young children. We are working with our school psychologist, John Evans, to formulate appropriate ways to answer a child’s questions at his or her developmental level regarding such issues, should they arise. At this time BCD is limiting donations to monetary contributions; cotton fabric; thread, needles and volunteers to sew at Saturday’s “sew a thon”. Please visit MyBCD.org to learn more about these worthwhile efforts to support the families and children in Haiti.
Books We Read:
- The Night Sky, by Alice Pernick and Lisa Desimini
- Sleep, Sleep, Sleep, A Lullaby for Little Ones Around the World, by Nancy Van Laan and Holly Meade
- Our Stars, by Anne Rockwell
- Flora’s Blanket, by Debi Gliori
- Please remove wet boots or shoes before entering the classroom spaces.
- Please be sure to wash hands with soap and water upon entering the classroom spaces.
- Please be sure to check and update extra clothes.
- Please send Library books on Friday mornings.
- Please take some time to practice counting household items, such as napkins, laundry, plates, spoons, etc…
Dates to note:
- Tuesday, January 26th, Admission’s Open House, 9:00am to 11:00am
- Friday, January 29th, Ski-Friday, early dismissal, 12:35pm
- Friday, February 5th, Ski-Friday, early dismissal, 12:35pm
- Wednesday, February 10th, Alaska Day (dress to be outdoors!)
- Thursday, February 11th, Preschool Valentine’s Day Party, details TBA
- Friday, February 12th, Ski-Friday, early dismissal, 12:35pm
- Monday, February 15th, NO SCHOOL, Mid-Winter Break
- Tuesday, February 16th, NO SCHOOL, Mid-Winter Break
- Friday, February 19th, Pizza Lunch, No Ski-Friday, full day (Public School vacation)
Happy Pajama Day!
Good Night!