Hi Everyone!
If you haven’t ventured into the classroom, lately, you would be surprised to see that it has turned into Dinosaur World! There are dinosaurs and fossil-related activities and resources in every corner of the Berkshire Room. Mrs. Atwater’s cousin, “Dr. Atwater,” came for a visit on Monday, while Mrs. Atwater was attending a meeting! She was very sad to find that she just missed him upon her return. Mr. Atwater is a “famous” paleontologist, who works at a local university, researching dinosaur bones and fossils. After asking the children what they already know about dinosaurs, he brought them into the Berkshire Room, where he introduced the children to the new toys and activities. He also modeled how to use the new equipment and where the materials will be stored. There are dinosaur puzzles, domino games, lotto games and card games. We have small colorful dinosaurs for counting and sorting in the Math Corner and small, medium and large dinosaur figures in the Block Corner. Two of the newest areas in the classroom are the “Dig Site” and the Paleontology Lab, located in the Pretend Area. We have added a newer and larger sandbox. Here, the children use chisels, hammers, sifters, buckets and brushes to excavate dinosaur bones. Once the bones are uncovered, they are transferred to the Paleontology Lab, where the team of Paleontologists will measure, weigh, photograph, trace and study them. Also in the lab are white lab coats, goggles, magnifying glasses, microscopes, maps, clipboards and reference books. The children have had a wonderful time exploring each of the areas.
In addition, the children experimented with “crayon-resist” painting. This involves drawing with cray-pas on white paper and painting a wash of water color over the drawing. After practicing on regular paper, we had a class discussion about the fact that paleontologists knew all kinds of facts about dinosaurs, but they are not quite sure what colors they were. Each child was given a pre-cut dinosaur of their choice. They used the crayon-resist painting method to design his or her own dinosaur. These dinosaurs will be on display in the Pre K classroom.
Due to our snow day on Wednesday and other scheduling issues, we will meet Oscar Orange next week. Oscar lives at the Letterland docks, where many things, such as olives, oranges, otters, oatmeal and ostriches are delivered in crates.
Also, next week, we will have Pajama Day on Thursday, January 20th! The children (and teachers) are invited to wear their pajamas to school for the day. Kindergarten and B3s will join us for some cozy night time activities and we will provide a special snack. Children may also bring a special blanket, a cuddle toy and a flashlight. Feel free to send in a set of regular clothes for your child to change into later in the day, should he or she choose to do so.
Some of the Books We Read:
The Trouble with Tyrannosaurus Rex, by Lorinda Bryan Cauley
Tyrannosaurus Was a Beast, Dinosaur Poems, by Jack Prelutsky, illustrated by Arnold Lobel
How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? by Jane Yolin and Mark Teague
Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones, by Byron Barton
Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King! by Jean Marzollo and J. Brian Pinkney
Important Reminders:
- Please replenish your child’s supply of extra clothes. Everyone needs: long sleeve shirt, long pants, a pair or 2 of underwear and 2 pairs of socks.
- Young children need a variety of foods and plenty of them! We want to ensure that everyone has a full and content tummy!
- Water bottles are encouraged, as we can refill them when needed.
- Library Books need to be returned on Fridays.
- **Please remember to enter the classroom via the Coat room and everyone please remove wet shoes and boots before entering the classrooms. **This way our floors will stay dry, as we sit on them. Thank you!
- Please send items to be heated up in a container that can be microwaved. If you do not have such a container, you may send a separate bowl or small plate with your child’s lunch.
- Please remember that items that contain nuts, peanuts, pesto or sesame oil and need to be heated up, are labeled so that we can do so in an alternate microwave, as our Preschool/Kindergarten kitchen is nut-free.
- Please be sure your child has a snowsuit or snow-pants, hat, boots, gloves or mittens, and a warm jacket, as we try to go out everyday to play in the snow.
Dates of Importance:
- Monday, January 17th, No School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Thursday, January 20th, Pajama Day
- Friday, January 21st, Pizza Friday and Ski Friday, Preschool dismissal at 12:45 p.m.
- February 21st and 22nd, Mid-Winter break, No School
Enjoy the Long Weekend!
Ellie and Joni