Warm Greetings Everyone!

Throughout the week, the preparation for and anticipation of Valentine’s Day has filled our days with warm thoughts of our friends and families.  We have learned a number of Valentine songs and fingerplays.  We also had a Valentine scavenger hunt.  Art projects included tracing hearts and painting them with red and purple sparkle paint; making Love Bugs from pre-cut hearts; Valentine bookmarks for our Second Grade Peer Readers and decorating white paper bags to keep our Valentines in.

Keep your eyes on your mailboxes for a very special delivery this week.  We hope you enjoy the surprise!  Ask your child to sing you the song that goes along with your surprise!

Our Valentine’s Day Party with the B3s was sweeter than sweet.  The children were thrilled to reach in and pull out each new Valentine.  Miss Guerette and I were very busy running about and helping the children read their cards.  We can tell that everyone put a lot of work and time into their Valentines.  The wonderful Valentine treats were incredibly beautiful on the table and yummy to eat!  Thank you to everyone for your contributions.  We would also like to thank all of the Preschool Families for our teacher gifts, cards and the beautiful plants.

This week, the children met the Queen of Letterland, Quarrelsome Queen.  First, we talked about what it means to be quarrelsome.  Then we went on to imagine why she felt that way.  Quarrelsome Queen likes to work on her quizes (or crossword puzzles) in her “Quiet Room,” with her quill pen.  She always has her royal u

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mbrella close by.  She also likes to eat quince and snuggle with her quilt.  Next week we will meet Red Robot.

The Mardi Gras French Plays have been rescheduled for next Friday at 8:30am.  Please arrive at school by 8:10am so that we can arrive for their performance on time.

Due to our “Snow Day,” Alaska Day has been rescheduled for this Wednesday, February 17th.  Please try to arrive at school by 8:10am so that we may join the rest of the school in Furey Hall for a slide show about Alaska at 8:20am.  Don’t forget to be sure your child dresses warm and has all of their outdoor gear.

We would like to thank Patrick and his dad, Paul, for their thoughtful donation of two books, “Dino-Hockey” and “Dino-Soccer,”  to our classroom collection of dinosaur books.  Patrick visited us last week and was pleasantly surprised to see that we were studying dinosaurs.  He and his dad thought we might enjoy reading these fun stories.  Thank-you Patrick and Paul!

Scholastic Book orders are due Thursday, February 18th.  We will send these orders out by Friday so that they are delivered before our March Break.  Thank you so much for these orders.  Our Bonus Points are growing thanks to you!

Books We Read:

  • Mister Seahorse, by Eric Carle
  • Valentine Friends, by April Jones Prince and Elisabeth Schlossberg
  • Valentine’s Day, by Anne Rockwell and Lizzy Rockwell
  • Dino-Hockey, by Lisa Wheeler and Barry Gott
  • Dino-Soccer, by Lisa Wheeler and Barry Gott


  • If you are sending in something to be warmed in the microwave, please be sure it is in a container that can be microwaved.  Anything with tomato sauce should come in a glass container.
  • Please send needed flatware with your child’s lunch.
  • Update and replenish your child’s extra clothes.
  • Bring Library books on Fridays.
  • Please remember to remove wet shoes or boots before entering the Preschool rooms.

Dates to Note:

  • Monday, February 15th, NO SCHOOL, Mid-Winter Break
  • Tuesday, February 16th, NO SCHOOL, Mid-Winter Break
  • Wednesday, February 17th, ALASKA DAY!  Please dress warm for outdoor play and arrive by 8:10am or meet us in Furey Hall.
  • Friday, February 19th, Rescheduled French Plays.  Please arrive at school by 8:10am;  Pizza Lunch; No Ski-Friday, full day of school (Public School vacation)
  • Thursday, March 4th, Preschool Parent/Teacher Conferences, beginning at 3:30pm
  • Friday, March 5th, NO SCHOOL for Preschool and Kindergarten, Preschool Parent/Teacher Conferences, beginning at 8:00am
  • Friday, March 12th, Last day of classes before March break
  • Tuesday, March 30th, classes resume

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

    See you on Wednesday!
