Hi Everyone,
Pre K’s week has been full of LOVE! We have stocked our Art Corner with red, pink and purple construction paper cards, red writing tools, along with Valentine stamps and hearts. In addition, we have posted the childrens’ names and other words they may need when making Valentines for their friends and families on the wall. Keep your eyes on your mailboxes, as the children have, once again, been working hard on special surprises for you! In addition, they have decorated large Valentine envelopes for their Valentines next week. They also learned how to trace half a heart on a folded piece of paper and cut it out to make a whole heart; made beautifully decorated Valentine hats using strips of paper and small paper hearts. We will wear them for our party on Monday.
On our way to a very special mission!
Mrs. Reid helps us put postage on our parcels.
Pushing the big green button.
We are learning three songs, “One Red Valentine”, “I’m Gonna Wrap Myself in Paper,” and “HEART,” (sung to the tune of ” BINGO”) along with a fingerplay, “The Love Bug.”
During our busy week we managed to take another trip to Letterland! Once we arrived, we met Quarrelsome Queen, who is the Queen of Letterland. We had great fun modeling what a “quarrel” looked like for the children. The Queen likes to do quizes in her Quiet Room. She always has her handy umbrella, “Uppy Umbrella,” close by, in the event that it rains. Next week, we will meet none other than “Red Robot.”
As shared in last week’s newsletter, we will have a Pre K Valentine Party on Monday, February 14th. If your child would like to bring Valentines, please be sure to include everyone. Keep in mind that Gabi, Tommy and Abdullah, from the B3s are also with us for the day. Children should bring Valentines with them Monday morning. Class Parents, Emily and Nicole have arranged simple red treats for the morning.
On Wednesday, February 16th, we will have Alaska Day outdoors with the B3s and Lower School. Be sure to dress warm for the morning. There will be many events taken from traditional Alaskan activities and festivals. The Preschool will stay together, as a group, and tour the campus. We will participate in some, but not all of the events. Some events are geared more for older students. Class Parents are also planning a special snack for the morning.
Some of the Books we Read:
The Three Billy Goats Gruff, pictures by Stephen Carpenter
Dinosaur Hunt, by David Catrow
Drummer Hoff, by Barbara and Ed Emberley
Valentine Friends, by Ann Schweninger
Dinosailors, by Deb Lund and Howard Fine
Valentine’s Day, by Anne Rockwell and Lizzy Rockwell
The Valentine Bears, by Eve Bunting and Jan Brett
As we hope you are aware, we will be holding Pre K Parent Teacher Conferences on Friday, March 4th, from 8:00a.m. to 12:00 noon. There will be no school this day, nor will there be childcare. We are also scheduling Conferences on Tuesday, March 8th, beginning at 3:30 p.m., for families who would prefer afternoon or evening meetings. This is a change from the main calendar. If either of these times do not work for your family, please let us know so that we can find a time that works best. The sign-up sheet for conferences is posted in the Coat Room.
Important Reminders:
- Water bottles are encouraged, as we can refill them when needed.
- Library Books need to be returned on Fridays.
- **Please remember to enter the classroom via the Coat room and everyone please remove wet shoes and boots before entering the classrooms. **This way our floors will stay dry, as we sit on them. Thank you!
- Please send items to be heated up in a container that can be microwaved. If you do not have such a container, you may send a separate bowl or small plate with your child’s lunch.
- Please remember that items that contain nuts, peanuts, pesto or sesame oil and need to be heated up, are labeled so that we can do so in an alternate microwave, as our Preschool/Kindergarten kitchen is nut-free.
- Please be sure your child has a snowsuit or snow-pants, hat, boots, gloves or mittens, and a warm jacket, as we try to go out everyday to play in the snow.
Dates of Importance
- Monday, February 14th, Pre K Valentine’s Day Party, wear red, pink or purple for fun!
- Wednesday, February 16th, Alaska Day, dress warm!
- Friday, February 18th, Pizza Friday, Ski Friday, dismissal at 12:45 p.m.
- Monday and Tuesday, February 21st and 22nd, Mid-Winter break, No School
- Friday, February 25th, NO SKI FRIDAY, full day of classes
- Friday, March 4th, No School for Preschool, Parent/Teacher Conferences, 8:00 a.m. to noon
- Tuesday, March 8th, Parent/Teacher Conferences, beginning at 3:30 p.m.
- Friday, March 11th, Spring Break begins at the end of the school day
- Monday, March 28th, No School, Teacher Professional Development Day
- Tuesday, March 29th, Classes Resume
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Ellie and Joni