Peace Everyone,

The snow is here!  Monday morning brought lots of fun comments about rides to school in the morning.  The children were very excited to know that we would don our winter gear and venture out to the playground.  Although it took close to an hour to review the sequence of dressing for outdoors and then accomplishing the task of getting dressed, we did it!  With the windchill in the teens, we only lasted outdoors for about 15 minutes.  What a great 15 minutes it was.  The children had fun making tracks in the snow and making snow angels.  They also discovered that they could slide down the slide very fast in their snow suits.  We talked about the rules for playing in the snow:  no throwing snow; no eating snow; no knocking down or destroying others’ snow sculptures.

Also, on Monday, the children decorated white speckled doves with silver, white and light blue collage materials.  We also added silver and blue glitter to make them sparkly.  They are hanging around our huge class dove of peace as a reminder to be peaceful to others and to ones’ self.  There are also some smaller peace doves popping up on the bulletin board as we catch the children offering random acts of kindness to one another.

On Tuesday, the children decorated big Peace signs with markers and collage materials, such as feathers, gems, ric-rack, cottonballs and foam shapes.

On Wednesday, we read “K is For Kwanzaa,” by Juwanda G. Ford and Ken Wilson-Max.  This book is filled with “A to Z” information about Kwanzaa, which was first celebrated by Dr. Maulana Karenga 1966.  The purpose of this celebration is to recognize and honor African Americans’ African history and customs.  The word “Kwanzaa,” from the East African language of Swahili, means first fruits of the harvest.”  It is a time for families and friends to gather, share food and exchange presents.  Kwanzaa begins on December 26th and lasts for seven days, until January 1st.  Each day is marked by lighting the candles on a Kinara.  There are 3 red candles, 3 green candles and one black candle.  This is yet another holiday that is related to light.

We also visited Letterland on Wednesday.  On this visit, we met Lucy Lamplight.  Lucy is a lovely girl, whom everybody loves.  She has a lovely smile that lights everything and everyone up around her.  Because of this, all of the animals gather around her, even the leopards, lions and lambs.  She lives in the Letterland Lighthouse.  At night, her light shines down to the sea so that the ships and find their way home.  She is very helpful if anyone ever feels lost or lonely.  Next week, we will meet Munching Mike, the metal monster!

On Thursday, the children colored and added their own ideas to coloring sheets decorated with various repeated patterns similar to the colorful clothing worn by African Americans during special days of celebration.  Also, on Thursday, the children made their December Self-Portraits.  Please take a moment to visit them when you can.

We celebrated Davey’s Star Day on Friday!  His dad, David, and mom, Julianne, joined us for his special Morning Meeting.  His special Star Board was decorated with pictures of Davey and his family from the day he was born.  It included photos of his grandparents, his big brothers Isaac and Jack and his big sister Harper.  We also saw a picture of Davey at a museum named “Kid City” in Middlebury, Connecticut.  He has two fish and a basement cat named “Newman.”  When Davey was little, he loved being held by his brother and sister.  Now that he is four, he enjoys reading books, dancing and playing with his friends.  His mom read us the story “Jack the Wolf,” by Yvonne Jagtenberg and his dad read us the story of Noah’s Arc retold by Lucy Cousins.  For a delicious snack, Davey shared yummy brownies.  Happy Star Day, Davey!

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the weather was too cold for us to play outdoors.  Fortunately, on Wednesday, we had some free time in the Gym after we had class with Mrs. Heady.  On Friday, it was still a bit cold, but we did put on our outdoor gear and we went for a walk.  We discovered that all of the leaves had fallen from many of the trees and we before we settled down to listen to stories read by our Peer Readers, we presented them with book marks we decorated with markers, stickers and doves.  We are very appreciative of the time we spend with our older friends.  Later in the day, we joined the rest of the school for Lower and Middle School’s Choral and Band Concert.  Mrs. Hilliard and the children have worked very hard and gave us a wonderful performance!

A huge Thank You

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to Margaret, Priscilla and Joe for donating books to our class from our wish list at the BCD book sale last week.  The Pre K library is growing and becoming more diverse and colorful!  Thank you!!

On Friday the 17th we will be having our Pre K Winter Solstice Celebration.  Earlier in the week, we will talk about how the birds and animals prepare for winter.  As this is a time of “gift giving,” we will make gifts for the birds who live around your homes.  We will also have some other special projects for the children to complete, as well as some special treats for snack and after lunch.  A sign up sheet has been placed on the coat room bulletin board for families wishing to contribute to our special day.

Some of the Books we read this week:

Lights of Winter, by Heather Conrad

On the First Night of Chanukah

K is for Kwanzaa, A Kwanzaa Alphabet Book, by Juwanda G. Ford and Ken Wilson-Max

I Am Snow, by Jean Marzollo and Judith Moffatt

The Snowy Day, by Ezra Jack Keats

Important Reminders:

  • Please replenish your child’s supply of extra clothes. Everyone needs: long sleeve shirt, long pants, a pair or 2 of underwear and 2 pairs of socks.
  • Young children need a variety of foods and plenty of them! We want to ensure that everyone has a full and content tummy!
  • Water bottles are encouraged, as we can refill them when needed.
  • Library Books need to be returned on Fridays.
  • Older students have outdoor time until 12:40 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Please wait until that time to allow Preschool children to play on the playground, as this is the only time they have to be outdoors during their busy day.
  • **Please remember to enter the classroom via the Coat room and everyone please remove wet shoes and boots before entering the classrooms. **This way our floors will stay dry, as we sit on them.  Thank you!
  • Please send items to be heated up in a container that can be microwaved.  If you do not have such a container, you may send a separate bowl or small plate with your child’s lunch.
  • Please remember that items that contain nuts, peanuts, pesto or sesame oil need to be heated up, are labeled so that we can do so in an alternate microwave, as our Preschool/Kindergarten kitchen is nut-free.
  • Please be sure your child has a snowsuit or snowpants, hat, boots, gloves or mittens, and a warm jacket, as we try to go out everyday to play in the snow.

Dates of Importance:

  • Friday, December 17th, Pre K Winter Solstice Celebration, please see above for more details.
  • Monday, January 3rd, Classes Resume
  • Friday, January 7th, Ski Friday begins, Preschool dismissal at 12:45 p.m., No Extended Day

Heiwa (hey-wah), Peace in Japanese and Goom-Jigi (goom-jee-jee) Peace in Buli,

Joni and Ellie