Hi Everyone,
We would like to thank everyone for a wonderful week at school. We were so thrilled to be treated to a yummy breakfast on Monday, beautiful flowers on Tuesday, relaxing “Trager” massages and chocolate on Wednesday (ahhhhhhhh) and wonderful cards and pictures on Thursday. On Friday, Tyler and Emily watched the children so that Sara and Ellie were able to go to the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon with all of our colleagues (Joni was in Kindergarten, but joined us, as well). The tables were decorated with fresh flowers and table cloths and the food was delicious! During lunch, Nick Raposo treated us to some delightful music on the piano. Our week was topped off by complete take home dinners. WOW! We feel incredibly appreciated! Thank you for everything!
This week we visited Yellow Yo-yo Man in Letterland. He sells yo-yos to save money for a yellow sailed yacht. Yo-yo Man has been teaching children for years how to yank on the string to make the yo-yo work. Some other items that we noticed on his page were a yak, some egg yokes, a Yorkshire Terrier and yogurt. Our last friend to visit is Zig Zag Zebra! The rest of our week included some the special preparation for next week. We are sorry, but we cannot tell you the details until next week’s newsletter. On Friday, we made yellow collages on yellow paper, using yellow tissue paper, yellow feathers, yellow foam sheets and yellow strips of paper.
Next week we will join B3s and Kindergarten for a trip to Hancock Shaker Village to see the baby animals. At 9:30am, we will board the bus with Mr. B. as our bus driver. Weather permitting, we hope to have lunch there. Because we will be with Kindergarten on the bus and for lunch, we ask that you do not send any peanut nor tree nut products for lunch. This includes granola bars and nut butter products. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We’ll be happy to help. We will also check your child’s lunch with you, before you leave at drop-off. In addition, no “heat-ups” and be sure to include forks or spoons, if necessary. Thank you for helping us facilitate a safe and fun trip. We have two chaperones scheduled to help us on the trip. Since we will be outdoors for much of our trip, children should be dressed appropriately for the weather and they should wear sturdy shoes for walking.
On Tuesday, May 3rd, at 8:15am, Mrs. Patel (Andrea) will be meeting with parents, as a group, to talk about the transition from Pre K to Kindergarten. This is a great way for you to get answers to questions you may have about Kindergarten.
Some books we read this week:
Are You My Mother?,
by P.D. Eastman
What Mommies Do Best, by Laura Numeroff
Miss Rumphius, by Barbara Cooney
I Love You, Little One,by Nancy Tafuri
Important Dates:
- Tuesday, May 3, Pre-K to Kindergarten transition meeting for parents at 8:15 a.m. Location TBA
- Wednesday, May 4, Bus trip to Hancock Shaker Village with B3s and Kindergarten, 9:30a.m. departure
- Thursday, May 5, Mommies’ Day Breakfast; Stop by and have a bite to eat at drop off!
- Friday, May 6, Preschool/Lower School Concert, 2:15p.m., Furey Hall
- Friday, May 13, Pizza Lunch
- Monday, May 30, No School, Memorial Day
- Wednesday, May 31st, Field and Fun Day, details TBA
- Wednesday June 8, Last Day of School, Closing Ceremonies, ~ 11:30am. Children will be dismissed to their families at the conclusion of this event. All School Year End Picnic, ~ 12noon, Families are invited to bring a picnic lunch and lay a blanket out on the BCD lawns, just like Tanglewood! Well…almost!
Have a Great Weekend!
Ellie and Joni