Hi Everyone,

Our trip to Hancock Shaker Village was so much fun!  We started our walk down to the Round Barn passing many perennial garden beds.  We also saw people working on pulling up the weeds, which we learned take away from the plants we want.  In the barn, were baby calves, lambs and goats.  Some stalls had the mother and her baby.  Children were also able to go right into the stall to pet many of the animals.  On the second level of the barn, there were many different kinds of chickens and some of the horse drawn wagons the Shakers used.  Some of the chickens had very fancy looking feather tops and others had lots of feathers around their feet, which looked like boots.  In the long section of the barn, were the giant hogs and their babies.  We counted at least 10 piglets!  We also saw many new born lambs and their mothers, as well as some cows with their calves.  Outdoors, we got to see lots of chickens running about.  There were also turkeys, ducks and geese.  In the hen house, we saw the nesting boxes where they lay their eggs.  Next, we ventured to the Discovery Room, where there were lots of things to do and see.  In one section, there was a life size model of a cow, usually the children can milk her, but she had already been “milked” out.  There was also a glass cage housing newly hatched ducklings and chicks.  They looked so soft and sweet.  In addition, children could try on clothing which was made and worn by Shaker men, women and children.  In another area, the children were able to watch and operate a loom and card sheep’s wool.  On another wall, there was a box with windows that housed bees.  The bees were fairly docile, as it was a bit chilly, but there is a tube that allows the bees to go outdoors.  It was very interesting to see the  bees in various stages of development and the cells in the honeycomb holding the eggs and larva.  In the middle of the room, there were a variety of crafts set up on the tables.  One was making your own seed packet and another was twirling yarn to make a bracelet.  While two of our children were working, a BCD Alumni, named Jack, asked if we were from Berkshire Country Day School.  Jack now volunteers much of his extra time at Shaker Village.  He attends a local high school, but he plans on studying Early Childhood Education in college!  As an extra special treat, Jack brought one of the ducklings to the craft table for the children to see and pet.  After a visit to the Wood Shop, we met up with the other classes where we had our lunch.  What a fun filled morning.  I would like to thank John and David for helping us out on our trip.


The Round Barn














An old BCD student helps us out!


Baby ducklings are soooo soft!

Continuing with our exploration of seeds and plants, we made daily observations of our grass and radish and bean seeds.  By Monday morning, all of our bean seeds were growing roots.  We planted each seed near the side of a clear plastic cup so that we had a better view of how roots and plants grown from the seeds.  By Tuesday, many of the plants were poking up from the soil.  Today, we talked about the fact that, just like us, seeds often grow at different rates.   This has been a very exciting process.


Our Beans!

All last week, we spent a lot of time talking about how we can take care of the Earth, such as saving energy, saving water, cleaning up litter, keeping the ocean, lakes,rivers and streams clean for the fish and keeping the air clean.  One of the tasks Preschool does every Earth Day is to clean up trash around the play yard and campus.  In order to help us spy litter, we reused paper towel tubes and decorated them to make them our own.  We used them as we set out to find trash and find a good spot to plant the branch of a Pussy Willow tree.

Mrs. Cooke shared this branch of a Pussy willow tree with us.  We put it in water and it began to root.  On Earth Day, we explored the land beyond the BCD garden and near a Spring stream.  We discovered a number of other Pussy Willow trees and decided that our tree might like the same environment, so we chose a spot, dug a hole and planted our tree.  We added some nice rich soil from a pile near the garden.  In addition, we decided that we should build a fence around the tree to protect it as it grows.  A number of ideas were shared.  We talked about putting up a wire fence or a fence made from sticks woven together.  We finally decided to build a small stone wall around it.  We painted some stones in bright colors, so that they might stand out to others working the land.  We are hoping that our tree will grow strong and produce Pussy Willows for us to have in a few years.  The children want to check it everyday to ensure that it is safe, it has enough water and it takes root.


I spy with my little eye…




Planting the Pussy Willow branch.


Happy Earth Day!

We had not made self-portraits since before our Spring Break.  On Tuesday, we decided to draw some new ones.  It is very interesting to note many of the details that each child now includes in his or her drawings.  I have posted them on our bulletin board.  Stop in and take a peek if you can.

We finally had the opportunity to add some more details to our Spring Mural.  Together, they decided to add a rainbow.  They decided what colors were in the rainbow and each person selected a color to add.  Sadie offered her assistance in cutting it out and we all decided where it would be placed on the mural.  The children also drew flowers, animals, people eating ice cream and someone swimming in the pond.


Working Together!

Last week we met Fix-It-Max, whose letter is “x” and his sound is /ks/.  Max loves to fix things and he especially likes boxes. Eddie Elephant asked him to fix his exercise machine and an Exit sign.  Surprisingly, he has a fox for a pet. This week, we met Yellow Yo-Yo Man, who sells yellow yo-yo’s.  He is actually saving up to purchase a yacht.  He has Yorkshire Terriers for pets, as well as a yak.  Next week we will meet the final character of the alphabet, “Zig-Zag Zebra!”  Wow!

While we were hunting for rocks for our stone wall, we happened to run into Mr. B.  We had been talking about asking him for a tour of his workshop.  He was kind enough to take a moment and give us a tour on the spot!  His garage and workshop are filled with handy tools and machines.  He also added that Mr. Lee was probably one of his most valued tools!  Here are some of the interesting things we saw:


Time to put away the snow blower and bring out the lawn mower!


Checking the level for the bubble.


Making holes with the drill press.


Making holes with the hand drill.


Safety First!


Thank you for showing us around, Mr. B!

On Thursday, we joined Mrs. Cooke and the B3s to work on decorating a platter to be auctioned off at the Art Soiree on May 4th.  Before starting, Mrs. Cooke shared a video showing Jackson Pollock creating his art by splattering paint on a canvas laid out on the ground.  We talked about his technique and how he used paint brushes, sticks and other materials to splatter the paint.  He often used many different colors.  We all went out to the playground and placed the platter on a drop cloth on the grass.  Each child took turns flicking the paint on the platter.  It is absolutely beautiful.  We can’t wait to see the finished product once it is fired in the kiln.  Be sure to check it out at the auction!  We named it “The Ode to Jackson Pollock Splatter Platter.”







Next week we will begin our exploration of Insects and Arachnids as we continue to observe our plants grow.

We would like to invite you to our Mommy’s Day Breakfast, which is being held Thursday,  May 9th, from 8:00am~9:00am.  The children will be helping to bake some of the food and they will help set up the classroom the day before.  Please let us know if you will not be able to make it.  We are really looking forward to this special breakfast!

I would like to thank everyone for a lovely week.  On Monday, we were pleasantly surprised to find a kitchen full of breakfast treats.  We actually went back for seconds at lunch!  What a great way to start the week.  On Tuesday our room was filled with the wonderful scent of fresh flowers.  This was perfect as we have been talking about all kinds of plants and flowers.  We noted the differences in the petals, stems and leaves.  I would like to thank Barbara and Kim for watching over our classes as we dined at the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon.  How nice it was to take a break in the middle of the school day.  It was delicious!  We were also treated to some great live music and yummy desserts.  On Thursday, I felt all kinds of appreciated when presented with the wonderful cards and drawings from the children.  What masterpieces!  Today, I didn’t have to even think about going to the grocery store or making dinner, as I am looking forward to a delicious dinner to take home with me.  I cannot think of a time when I have felt more appreciated!  Everyday it is a pleasure to work with your children.   Thank you, once again, for this special week.


Important Reminders:

  • Preschool goes outdoors each day.  Please be sure to send boots, if it is muddy and an appropriate weight jacket for playing outdoors in the morning.
  • Please replenish extra clothes when necessary.  Children should have a full set of clothing, including socks, undergarments, shirts and pants. 
  • Leaving a sweatshirt or sweater for days that may be chilly indoors may help your child feel more comfortable.
  • Please be sure to send in a refillable drink container for us to fill with water.  In our efforts to be green, we try to refrain from using plastic cups.
  • Please be sure to send appropriate flatware in your child’s lunch.
  • Including a variety of snack items is encouraged for young growing children.
  • If your child needs to have an item warmed up, please be sure it is in a microwave safe container.
  • Leaving an extra pair of sneakers or other shoes in school is a good idea.
  • Please return Library books on Wednesdays.
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Dates to remember


Thursday, May 9th, Preschool Mommies’ Day Breakfast for all Mommies of Beginner Three and Pre K students, 8:00am until 9:00am.

Friday, May 10th, Pizza Lunch

Thursday, May 23rd, 8:15am, Compassion Assembly with B3s and Lower School (for children only)

1:45pm, Diabetes Walk for a Cure with Lower School

One last footnote…We had a great time at an assembly this afternoon.  The Zumba Dancers shared a number of Ancient Aztec dances that were created to thank the Earth, Fire, Air and Water for providing for us.  We also saw a dance about planting corn.  The costumes were made from ancient Aztec symbols and feathers.  One of the dancers could have been in Pre K!


Happy Spring!
