Hi Everyone,
We thought we would send you a mini-newsletter to go along with our mini-week! It is amazing when we look back to see just how busy we are in Pre K.
First thing back from our long weekend, we celebrated Max’s Star Day. Joining us for Morning Meeting were his mom, Nicole, and his dad, Brian. Max’s Star Board was a canvas that was decorated with Max’s hand prints in red, yellow and blue. Mounted on this beautiful art were pictures of Max, his mom, dad, and his dog, Lucy. Max seemed to be a very happy and busy baby. We also got to watch a slide show of Max growing up. We saw pictures of Max dressed as a monkey for Halloween; Max visiting dinosaurs at the Natural Museum of Science; field trips with his classmates; Max playing baseball; building a giant snowman and Max skiing, to name just a few.
Max also brought a special bat and a ball that were signed by some baseball players. He also brought a giant stuffed T-Rex and some of the hats he used to wear when he was a baby. In addition, he brought his favorite Red Sox hat he wears now. His mom read us the story “Thump, Quack, Moo,” by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin. Max also brought in the book “Dinosaur Joke Book, a Compendium of Pre-Hysteric Puns,” by Artie Bennett and Nate Evans. “Why were Stegosauruses popular at dinner parties? They brought their own plates!” Hah! In “addition,” Max shared his book “Tyrannosaurus Math,” by Michelle Markenl and Doug Cushman. For snack, we enjoyed ginormous strawberries and chocolate chip cookies!
Thank you, and Happy Star Day, Max!
Later that day, we made rainbows in our room! Each child was given a handheld rainbow ribbons. We all had fun making them dance in circles, up and down and even over our heads. Our classroom came alive with colors.
On Tuesday, the Class mom’s surprised Mrs. Atwater with a cake and a gift for her “29th” birthday. She celebrated her big day over March break with her family. She shared a delicious rich, flour less chocolate cake with the class. It was sooooo yummmmmy! Happy Belated Birthday, Mrs. Atwater.
As part of our Earth Day celebration, the children decorated paper plates with blue, green and white tissue paper. These beautiful 3-D mini Earths are displayed in the classroom. Also on the board are the measurements of their grass or sprouts. The children used unifix cubes to measure how tall their plantings were. They then recorded their findings and drew a picture of their grass or sprouts.
On Thursday, in between the rain, snow, wind and sun, we managed to take an Earth Day walk to clean up our campus. Ray brought in a biodegradable trash bag and the children ran about the quad looking for little bits of trash. The campus looks much better thanks to our preschool helpers. Our eyes also spied more plants and flowers poking out of the ground. Spring is trying to get here!!
the trash we collected
Preschool celebrating Earth Day
We had a quick trip to Letterland to meet Fix it Max. He fixes everything that gets broken in the Land, including exercise machines, boxes for the fox and even an exit sign. Next week we will meet Yo-Yo Man!
Some of the Books we read this week:
Passover, by David Marx
The Earth Book, by Todd Parr
Looking After My Environment, by Neil Morris
Important Dates to Note:
- Tuesday, May 3, Pre-K to Kindergarten transition meeting for parents at 8:15 a.m. Location TBA
- Wednesday, May 4, Bus trip to Hancock Shaker Village with B3s and Kindergarten, 9:30a.m. departure
- Thursday, May 5, Mommies’ Day Breakfast; Stop by and have a bite to eat at drop off!
- Friday, May 6, Preschool/Lower School Concert, 2:15p.m., Furey Hall
- Friday, May 13, Pizza Lunch
- Monday, May 30, No School, Memorial Day
- Wednesday June 8, Last Day of School
Enjoy your long weekend!
Ellie and Joni