Hi Everyone,
Plants and flowers are popping up everywhere! This week, the children have enjoyed observing their grass seed sprouting and growing taller with each new day. They are noticing the roots of the seed growing downward and the blades of grass growing upward. On Thursday the children drew pictures of their grass plants and they measured how tall their grass is using Unifix cubes. Next week we will draw new pictures and measure the grass again, to see if it has changed. We also planted marigold seeds and radish seeds. In addition, the children made new self-portraits and they measured themselves with Unifix cubes. Using some outdated seeds, we explored the shapes and colors of different seeds and we made tiny collages by gluing them on to cardboard. On Friday, we used sponges in the shapes of stems, leaves and petals to stamp in paint and create our own flowers.
On Monday, the children were introduced to Fix-It-Max, who owns a fix-it shop in Letterland. He loves to fix things. Among the projects he is working on is a broken EXIT sign, a broken box and a broken exercise machine. We talked about the fact that there are not many words that begin with the letter “x,” but there are many that have “x” in the middle or at the end. On Thursday, we met Yellow Yo-Yo Man, who is an expert yo-yo player and he also sells them. Can you guess his favorite color? Next week we will finally meet Zig-Zag Zebra!
The children have completed their treasure boxes and they have been delivered to Mrs. Cromwell and Mrs. Piasecki for the BCD Art Show next week. We also submitted a variety of other pieces of art for display. The Art Show will be open for viewing in Fitzpatrick Hall from Tuesday, April 20th through Friday, April 23rd. There will also be an Art Show Opening Gala on Tuesday, April 20th beginning at 4:45pm. There will also be a number of presentations and performances by students in the Upper School. More information may be found about this Gala at MyBCD.
The final book order fliers were sent home this week and are due Thursday April, 22. Thank you so much for supporting this effort throughout our school year. Reading to young children is the springboard to a life long love of reading and learning.
Pre K will be going on a field trip to Hancock Shaker Village for the Baby Animals program on Wednesday, April 21st. We will be taking the bus and perhaps eating lunch on their picnic tables, as well. Children should be dressed to spend time outdoors as we walk from building to building.
Some of the Books We Read:
Jack’s Garden, by Henry Cole
One Bean, by Anne Rockwell and Megan Halsey
Duck at the Door, by Jackie Urbanovic
Funny Farm,
by Mark Teague
The Life Cycle of a Sunflower, by Angela Roylston
The Cow That Laid an Egg, by Andy Cutbill and Russell Ayto
The Egyptian Cinderella, by Shirley Climo and Ruth Heller
Important Reminders:
- As the temperature has changed, please check your bag of extra clothes for your child to be sure everything fits and that there is a complete change of clothes
- If lunch items need to be heated up, please be sure the container can be too
- Please be sure to include a spoon or fork when needed
- The Preschool classrooms open at 7:55a.m.
- Remember to have your child wash their hands before entering the classroom each morning
- Please be sure your child has sneakers and socks for the playground. Sandals, crocs, cowboy boots, etc. are not safe on the climber.
Dates to Note:
Monday, April 19th, No School, Patriot’s Day
Tuesday, April 20th – April 23rd, Arts Week and All School Art Show in Fitzpatrick Hall
Tuesday, April 20th, Art Show Gala, 4:45pm
Wednesday, April 21st, Pre K field trip to Hancock Shaker Village with Kindergarten. Bus leaves at 9:45am and returns between 12:30 and 12:45pm. Please be sure to send needed flatware and food that does not require reheating for lunch.
Thursday, May 6th, 7:55am to 9:00am, Preschool’s Mommies’ Day Breakfast (Drop in and grab a bite to eat with us before you start your day!)
Friday, May 7th, Music Concert, 1:00pm (B3s through 3rd Grade will perform.)
Friday, May 14th, Pizza Lunch
Wednesday, May 26th, Fun and Field Day (Dress for outdoor fun and getting wet!) Details TBA
Thursday, May 27th, Fun and Field Day, rain date I
Friday, May 28th, Spring Fling Day, details TBA
Monday, May 31st, No School, Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 2nd, Fun and Field Day, rain date II
Thursday, June 3rd, Move Up Lunch (we call it “Lunch With Mrs. Patel”, for Pre K , and “Lunch With Mrs. Atwater”, for the B3s)
Thursday, June 10th, Last Day of School; Closing Ceremonies; All School Family Picnic, beginning at noon; dismissal at 1:00pm
Have a Great Weekend!