Hi Everyone,
Happy Spring! I am so surprised to see how much everyone has grown over our two week break. Everyone was so excited to share what they had done while away. We heard that some friends took trips on airplanes, some took trips in cars. Children also shared that they visited family, went skiing, visited museums, and some children even went to BCD’s Vacation Camp. As I observed them at play, it is apparent that they are very happy to be back in school, as well.
On Tuesday, we spent time playing in the classroom. The children were introduced to the construction set which includes small plastic construction vehicles, tools, machines and laborers. Once, again, we discussed that they need to use gentle touches with some of the “delicate” pieces. We also introduced the airport, which includes metal airplanes, jets, a terminal and baggage carrier.
On Wednesday, we used “dabba-doos,” which are rubber rings with soft rubber spikes jetting out from the tops. The children dip them in paint and stamp the dabbers on paper to make pictures and designs.
On Thursday, April 1st, we started the day with a very funny Morning Message. Everything was topsy-turvy! When we read it as a class, the children helped me correct the silly, mixed-up information. Before introducing the April calendar, we counted the lion and lamb days of March. There were 24 lamb days and only 7 lion days! Who can remember a March such as this!? We also played an April Fools trick on Mrs. Reid. I marked everyone absent on the attendance sheet. A few moments later, we sneaked up the stairs and surprised her by shouting “April Fools!” and we handed her our real attendance sheet. She was very surprised. Later in the morning, we learned the phrase “April Showers Bring May Flowers” and we learned the poem “Pussywillow.” We also used straws to blow streams of brown liquid color to make pussywillow branches. Using the “dabba-doos,” we stamped white paint on the branches to make the actual pussywillows. These will be displayed in the Berkshire Room.
“Uppy Umbrella,” from Letterland, was introduced on Tuesday. “Uppy,” as her friends like to call her, lives in Letterland. You might see this cheerful umbrella if you look up, as she loves to float up in the air. She even likes to float upside down. She loves it when it rains. The person who looks after all of the umbrellas in Letterland is “Mr. Uniform.” He is very useful, as he makes sure everyone has an umbrella when it rains, especially Quarrelsome Queen. Next week, we will meet Vicky Violet and Walter Walrus.
We would like to inform you of two very special events happening in the month of May. On Thursday, May 6th, the Preschool children would like to invite all Mommies, or Mommy Reps, to join us for our third annual Preschool Mommies’ Day Breakfast. We felt that it was important to let you know of this special morning now, so that you can put it on your calendar. Breakfast will be served between 7:55am and 9:00am. If possible, please join us for a cup of coffee or tea and a quick bite to eat before starting your day. The children do not yet know of this fun event, so please allow us to introduce the idea to them later in the month. We will be sure to send you formal invitations. On Friday, May 7th, the Preschool will perform in their very first Music and Choral Concert, with Lower School. The concert will begin at 1:00pm and finish at 2:00pm. Children who do not usually come on Friday afternoons may join us at 12:30pm. Following the concert, Berkshire Theater Festival will perform for the children from 2:00pm to 2:55pm.
Books We Read:
BAM,BAM, BAM, by Eve Merriam and Dan Yaccarino
Baby Rattlesnake, a teaching tale told by Te Ata and adapted by Lynn Moroney, illustrated by Mira Reisberg
The Cow that Laid an Egg, by Andy Cutbill and Russell Ayto
Spring Changes,
by Ellen B. Senisi
When Will it be Spring?
by Catherine Walters
Dates to Note:
Friday, April 2nd, No School, Good Friday
Saturday, April 10th, BCD Talent Show, 6:30pm
Friday, April 16th, Pizza Lunch
Monday, April 19th, No School, Patriot’s Day
Tuesday, April 20th – April 23rd, Arts Week and All School Art Show in Fitzpatrick Hall
Tuesday, April 20th, Art Show Gala, 4:30pm
April Fool's Day!
Happy Passover and Happy Easter!
Have a Beautiful Weekend!