Hi Everyone,

Last week the Pre K students really got to enjoy our wonderful campus.  The weather was crisp and brisk, just right for fall walks, and as some of the children dubbed them, “Leaf Parties!”  On a quick walk , Thursday, the wind began to blow and lots of leaves blew off the trees!  They excitedly exclaimed, “It’s raining leaves!”

On Tuesday, the children painted leaves cut from blotter paper, using water colors.  We have taped them on the windows and enjoy looking at them as the sun shines through the colorful creations.

Also, on Tuesday, we met Eddie Elephant, from Letterland.  Eddie likes to go to the Letterland fair.  He even tried to juggle eggs!  At the fair, Eddie also likes to watch the Easy Magic Man, who has lots of tricks for Eddie to do in words.  Eddie likes to decorate eggs, wear emerald rings and eat eclairs.  Next week, we will meet Fire Fighter Fred!  How appropriate, as it is also Fire Prevention Month.

On Wednesday, the children decorated cardboard people figures with beautifully patterned paper resembling fabrics from around the world.  They also used gooey glue to add google eyes, buttons and feathers for hair.  All week we have continued to talk about ways in which we are the same and ways in which we are different.

On Thursday, the children painted using skin toned paint.  We will continue to use these paints as we explore ourselves and the people in our communities, such as our families, our classroom, our school, our towns and our worlds.

On our stormy Friday, we got to design a playhouse/fire truck/bus/tall building/rocket ship using Miss Smith’s giant refrigerator box.  The children had great fun coloring and decorating the outside of the house and the teachers cut out windows and a door.  We plan on continuing the fun next week.  Thank you, Miss Smith!

Also, on Friday, Second Grade joined us for Peer Reading.  Approximately twice each month, we will gather with the Second Grade students.  Each Preschool student is paired up with a Second Grader.  To start the year, the teachers will read to the entire group.  For our first session, Miss Guerette read, “Will You Read to Me?”, by Denys Cazet .  After the story, our students gave their partners a tour of the classrooms.  Shortly, the Second Graders will read to their Preschool partners.

Next week, we will join Kindergarten on the bus for a trip to Ioka Valley Farm in Hancock.  The bus will leave BCD at 8:45am.  Please be to school on time.  The Beginner Threes will meet us there.  Once at the farm, we will visit the petting zoo, go on a pumpkin ride to the pumpkin patch and have some time to play on their playground.  We will also bring our lunches to eat at the farm.  Please be sure that your child is dressed for walking about a farm and spending the morning outdoors.  Pants, sturdy shoes and layers work great.  Regarding lunches, please be sure to send forks, spoons and water bottles.  We will not be able to heat anything up in the microwave.  Most importantly, do not send anything in lunches with peanuts, any kind of tree nut or nut oils.  This also goes for coconut.  If your child has any kind of nut product for breakfast, please be sure to wash his or her face and brush his or her teeth, before coming to school that morning.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.  We want everyone to have a safe and happy experience. We should return to BCD by 12:30pm.  Thank you to those of you who are able to chaperon.

Halloween is fast approaching!  We will celebrate this fun day on Thursday, October 28th with Beginner Threes.  On this day, children are invited to wear their costumes to school.  Costumes should be easy to put on and allow children to move about freely.  Please do not send irreplaceable accessories, as we cannot ensure that they will return home in the same condition that they arrive.  We know that the children may have other events to attend over the weekend.  In addition, please refrain from allowing children to bring any pretend weapons, masks, or overly scary costumes.  Weapons are against classroom policy and  masks hinder vision and coordination.  Class Parents will be organizing Halloweeny treats.  We will have a “trick-filled” Morning Meeting and then we will go on our annual Halloween Parade about the BCD campus.  Parents are welcome to join us for the parade.  Once we return to the classrooms and we say good-bye to parents, we will have our own celebration with special Halloween activities.  Special treats will be served for snack time and after lunch.  Please be sure to send in a set of clothes in a labeled bag for your child to change into whenever he or she is ready.  This should be a fun-filled morning!    

Some of the Books we read this week:

  • Firefighter Ted, by Andrea Beaty and Pascal Lemaitre
  • Curious George Takes a Job, by H. A. Rey
  • Whoever You Are, by Mem Fox
  • The Colors of Us, by Karen Katz
  • Wanted:  Best Friend, by A. M. Monson and Lynn Munsinger

Important Reminders:

  • Please replenish your child’s supply of extra clothes, some children only have a t-shirt and socks.
  • Young children need a variety of foods and plenty of them! Please feel free to pack more food in your child’s lunchbox than you think he or she will eat.  We never know when a child will want just a little more to eat for snack or lunch.  We want to ensure that everyone has a full and content tummy!
  • Water bottles are encouraged, as we can refill them when needed.
  • Please remember to take rest items home and launder them often.
  • Older students have outdoor time until 12:40 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Please wait until that time to allow Preschool children to play on the playground, as this is the only time they have to be outdoors during their busy day.
  • Please enter the classroom through the Coat Room.  This way you can unpack your backpacks and in the wet and soon slushy weather, our floors will stay dry.  Thank you!

Dates of Importance:

  • Tuesday, October 19th, Field trip to Ioka Valley Farm with B3’s and Kindergarten.  Depart from BCD at 8:45a.m. Return to BCD ~ 12:30p.m.  Please do not send in peanut butter, peanuts, tree nuts, or pesto or heat ups for lunch or snacks.
  • Friday, October 22, Pizza Friday
  • Thursday, October 28th, Preschool Halloween Celebration with Beginner Threes.  Details TBA .
  • Thursday, November 4th, Parent/Teacher Conferences, beginning at 3:30p.m. ~ 8:00p.m.  Child Care available for conference times only, until 5:30p.m.  Pre-Registration required.
  • Friday, November 5th, No School,  Parent/Teacher Conferences, beginning at 8:00a.m. ~ 12:00 noon, no child care provided.
  • Thursday, November 11th,  No School, Veteran’s Day.
  • Sorry for the delay in posting this!
    Joni and Ellie