Dear All,
December is our month to study peace, where it is within us and how we can share it with each other. You may have already seen the Peacemakers homework assignment, but if not, I have scanned it and attached it to this blog post. Working from a list of Nobel Peace Prize winners and others, the students will choose which peacemaker they want to report on. This is one assignment that will need some parent assistance in terms of the research, but the final report should be written in their own hand.
Because the December book report is due next week (Thursday the 12th) and the Peacemaker project is due the week after on the (18th) I will not be assigning anymore homework this month!
As you can see from the attached slide show, we are busy chip trading in math class. We begin with the concrete stage of ‘trading in’ or exchanging 10 yellow chips for one blue, 10 blues for a green and so on and then move on to the more abstract work of regrouping (carrying) when we add and subtract. Having the hands-on experience of trading in the chips helps the student transfer those steps to the abstract algorithms with numerals.
Thank you all for getting in your holiday gifts so beautifully wrapped and with the stars!
A few important dates
listed below:
Monday, December 9th-12th – Book Fair in BCD Library begins. (Please make sure we have a slip on what your child may purchase).
Thursday, December 12 – Book Reports due.
Friday, December 13th – Holiday Concert 1:30.
Wed., December 18th- Peacemaker Project due
Friday, Decemember 20th – Start of Holiday break.
Enjoy the weekend,