What a great week we’ve had!

The 100th Day of School – which was on Tuesday – was just super.  Each child brought in his or her collection of 100 and we shared these during Morning Meeting.  They included a jigsaw puzzle, doll clothes, markers, sunflower seeds, buttons on a necklace, photographs, and two different creations, one made with Legos, and the other out of popsicle sticks.   Activiites throughout the day included making a gumball machine with 100 stickers and trying to stay quiet for 100 seconds (which they did admirably!)  There were related math activities: estimating which bag held 100 Cheerios, learning what a googolplex is (it’s a very large number, 1 followed by 100 zeros! – we wrote it out to see how long it would be!) and a pictorial graph representing how each child feels about the different subjects in school.  During writing time, each child drew a picture of what they thought they might look like when they are 100 years old (they included glasses, canes, and hearing aids), with an accompanying sentence describing themselves.  Many of these things are on display in our room now, so be sure to come and take a look!

We’ve begun a new unit on the ocean.  This is another popular unit and the class is absorbing new information rapidly.  We’ll be taking a trip to the Berkshire Museum to visit their aquarium.  Once the date is confirmed, I’ll let you know.

This Wednesday, we have a special Lunch Bunch.  Theresa Sonsini has graciously invited the class to come eat at her restaurant, the Main Street Cafe in Stockbridge, where the children will get to make their own pizzas!  We’ll be leaving BCD approximately 11:00 and should return between 12:30 and 12:45.  This should be a great experience as the class can get to see a restaurant kitchen in action.  Thank you, Theresa!

The children have really been enjoying outside time over the last two weeks – the snow has been so much fun for them.  I’ve taken photos and hope to have photo boards on display in the class room this week.

I look forward to meeting with all of you next week during Parent-Teacher conferences.  Please bring your questions.  I’ll see you then!
