This week was a bit topsy-turvy!  Some of our planned special events have been postponed until next week – Alaska Day will be next Wednesday, and Mardi Gras on Friday.  Hayley’s Lunch Bunch will be on Wednesday, March 10, and Ryan’s will be a week earlier, on March 3.  And while you have your calendars out, please note that there is no Ski Friday next Friday due to public school vacation week (we will have a full day of school).  Ski Fridays will go through March 12.  And Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on March 4 & 5.  I’ll send an email letting you know when the sign-up sheet will be posted in the cubby room.

We ended our week with a wonderful Valentine’s celebration – thank you to Cara and Jenny for organizing it, and to everyone else who sent in food, drinks, and treats!  The table looked beautiful and the food (oh, those chocolate-covered strawberries!) divine.  The children had a great time.

In the green folders this week are the first Bonnie Kline stories.  We’ve learned all the sounds, and so each child should be able to read it to you, decoding any words they may not remember.  Please have them read both sides to you (and read again to everyone else – the more practice the better!)  The class is doing an excellent job with these.

We started a new unit this week in math, “Sorting and Classifying”.  After spending time sorting by one attribute (e.g. “Is it red?  Or is it not red?”), we’ve now moved on to two attributes (“Is it blue?  Is it a bus?  Is it blue and

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a bus?  Is it neither?).  This is much trickier to sort out, and the children are enjoying the challenge!

Enjoy your mid-winter break!

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