We’ve had two short weeks, but they’ve been busy ones!

Our new unit is Peace. So far, in Morning Meeting we’ve greeted each other in four different languages – Arabic, Hindi, Hebrew, and French. Each morning we’ll continue to learn a new language. We have also read books together and talked about what being peaceful or doing peaceful acts looks like. Next week will include peace writings and making peace doves.

There have been a lot of holidays to learn about! On Wednesday we joined with the Preschool to talk about Chanukah. After reading a book, I lit candles on a menorah, and then everyone practiced spinning dreidels and we shared potato latkes together. In the coming weeks we’ll leaned about Kwanzaa and Christmas. We also spent time learning about Thanksgiving and what life was like for the earliest settlers. We enjoyed participating in Thanksgiving Soup. Kindergarten chopped the celery and did a great job. We gathered in Fitzpatrick Hall with close to 300 other students, teachers, staff and alumni and shared a wonderful meal together.

It was great to meet with so many of you this past week during Parent-Teachers conferences. I always enjoy this opportunity when we discuss each child in depth. Given that this is such a wonderful class, all these conversations were a true pleasure! Thank you all for coming, and I look forward to speaking with a few more next week.

Please remember that the Holiday Gift Giving gifts should be returned wrapped and returned by Wednesday, December 8. Thank you for your participation!

With cold weather coming for the next few months, I ask that you send in a pair of slip-on shoes or slippers that your child can keep here at school. That way wet boots can stay in the cubby room and our floors can stay dry. We will continue to play outside most days, so please make sure your child is dressed warmly enough. When snow arrives, snow pants, warm boot, and waterproof gloves or mittens are a must. This is a also good time to check your child’s extra clothes bag to make sure it has a few extra pair of socks. Thank you!

Have a great weekend!

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