The last two weeks have flown by! We have now celebrated our first two class birthdays. Hannah turned six on December 15. At lunch, Hannah’s mother Becky and third grade sister Emily came to the classroom, where we all enjoyed hearing a hilarious story called Arnie, the Doughnut

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by Laurie Keller. After eating lunch together we shared a delicious treat with fresh berries and whipped cream. Thank you, Becky and Emily, for making Hannah’s birthday a special one!

Gus was our second school birthday. Gus will turn six on December 26 (along with Gabriel and Olivia!) Last week, Quincy came in and read two of Gus’s favorite stories, The Bus for Us by Suzanne Bloom, and Why are you fighting, Davy? by Brigitte Weninger. After lunch we shared shortbread and meringues, Gus’s favorite cookies. Earlier in the week we had a wonderful Lunch Bunch, sponsored by the Ciejek and McLaughlin/Geremia families. We enjoyed hot dogs, Ken’s homemade pizza, fresh veggies and apples. Thank you Quincy, Ken, Lisa, and Alex, for making our week such a fun one!

We had a wonderful Holiday Party today. There was much delicious food and the room looked great! Thank you to all the parents who sent in food and paper goods, and a big thank you to all the parents who came today to help, as well as an extra big thank you to Wendy, who brought in a wool-felting ornament project!

In between all of this celebration, we continued to talk about peace. In the last month, the children wrote their thoughts on what it is to be a peacemaker, learned songs about peace, and made beautiful peace doves. They learned how to write the numerals 0-9 and learned about Kwanzaa and Christmas. The children also worked hard at special presents for their families – we hope you like them! A lot of love went into their creations.

Notes: Rest blankets are coming home for washing; please return them after vacation.
Ski Fridays begin Friday, Jan. 7. Dismissal is at 12:45.
Next Lunch Bunch is Monday, January 10.

I wish you all a happy, healthy, restful holiday. See you all on January 3!
