What fun we’ve had! Today was super-special, as the class got to share the school they love with all the grandparents and specials friend that they love as well! We read a book entitled “What We Like To Do With Our Grandparents” that the children wrote and illustrated earlier in the week. We also recited some favorite poems for our guests and our visitors also observed French and Music. Everyone made a special beaded necklace with Sculpy clay hearts that the children had made (with lots of love!) earlier in the week. We enjoyed lunch in the classroom, and all ended up in the gym together where Kindergarten joined Lower School chorus for two songs. It was a wonderful day!

We have finally completed our rules-making, and have settled on the following three:
1. Stay safe.
2. Be nice to everybody.
3. Take good care of our stuff.
Everyone signed our poster and it now hangs in our classroom, where we can refer to it whenever we need to!

We’ve begun our A-Z handwriting papers, completing A and B this week. You can help your child at home by reminding him or her that all uppercase letters start at the TOP and by gently repositioning his or her pencil grip, if necessary. We also began our Math Patterning books. Everyone has now completed AB, AAB, AABB, and ABC patterns. They’re concentrating hard and doing a fine job.

We had our first Lunch Bunch this week, and it was delicious! Many thanks go to Amanda Dotson and Debbie Jaferian for their careful menu planning and delicious food. Several children ate third helpings! The class loved eating together and this was a great beginning to a much-loved BCD tradition.

Lower School Mountain Day is next Wednesday. Information about this was in your child’s blue folder (sent home yesterday.) If you have any questions, please ask.

We were glad to see the sun at the end of a rainy week. Let’s hope it lasts. Enjoy the long weekend, and I’ll see you all on Tuesday!
