Pajama Day, sledding on the berm, birthday of a certain cow…. this week had it all!
Pajama Day was great fun, with special books, art projects, and treats that we enjoyed with our PreSchool friends. Everyone stayed cozy and warm and we had a nice relaxing day together. The children had a lot of fun marching across campus in their PJ’s (to go to Music and Art), and we all thought that the older students were envious that they’re too old to wear their pajamas to school…
There was wonderful weather this week, and the class had a great time outdoors, mostly spending it by sledding on the berm. A few brave souls even tried snowboarding – they were pretty successful at it, too! It was great to see everyone cooperate by sharing the different kinds of sleds, and the air was filled with their laughter all morning long.
In Art with Mrs. Piasecki, the class has now completed their self-portraits. These wonderful paintings are now on display in our room. Also on display are the children’s most recent writings about penguins. Be sure and take a look!
The BCD community has raised a substantial amount of money for Haiti. Thank you all for your generosity, and for allowing your children to participate in this important work.
Another “Thank you” is due; this time a personal one from me to all of you for the wonderful birthday surprises! There were lots of individual cards that the children made throughout the day, a great class card, and a wonderful treat to eat. The Black-and-White cookies could not have been more perfect, and they tasted even better than they looked! Awesome!! Thank you all!