Two 9th Grade Students Recognized by Lenox School Alumni Association

Ninth graders I. Ciaburri & I. van der Meulen were recognized at the MS/US Morning Meeting today by the Lenox School for Boys Alumni Association for their service to BCD.  Every year, the Lenox School Alumni Association recognizes two 9th graders with $1,000 scholarships in their name to BCD for exemplifying the Lenox School’s motto: “Not to be served, but to serve.” Presenting their scholarship award were Jim Fawcett, BCD English teacher formerly of The Lenox School for Boys; Bob Sansone, President of the Lenox School Alumni Association; and Lenox School alumnus Charlie McGee.

When BCD was founded in 1946, it was housed on the campus of The Lenox School for Boys, an independent secondary school located on what is today the home of Shakespeare & Company. The school closed its doors in 1971 but alums stayed connected and in 1987 formed an active alumni association, which raises money to give out scholarships each year in the names of students at BCD and Miss Hall’s.

5th Annual BCD Kindergarten Poetry Assembly

Mrs. Patel and the Kindergarten Class shared their year-long celebration of poetry by reciting some of their favorites by such poets as Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Ogden Nash, among other. Video to be posted shortly.

Annual Board Meeting Presented a State-of-the-school Update

At last night’s Annual Board Meeting, Board President Claire Pollart and Head of School Paul Lindenmaier shared many positive stories about the work of the Board of Trustees, administration, and faculty this past year.  Committee chairs also presented information and reports from the Admissions/ Marketing Committee, Buildings and Grounds Committee, Committee on Trustees, Development Committee, and Finance Committee.

If you missed the Annual Board Meeting but want to find out what was presented, Paul Lindenmaier will be holding a second presentation on Friday, May 28 at 8:00 Peseckis Hall (Tim Gore’s Science Lab. At that meeting, he will review highlights from the past eleven months, share some information about the work accomplished by several faculty and Board committees, and present some initial plans for the approaching school year.

Sports Update 

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The fourth and fifth grade JV Boys played two games against much older opponents.  We lost both games but felt we won in spirit.  The JV 5, 6 and 7 grade boys lacrosse team played one game against IMS and won 5-3.  According to Coach Gore, both teams played well.

Third Grade Biography Presentations

From Dr. Seuss to Harry Houdini, George Washington to Barack Obama, Third Grade students had history covered with their biography recitations.