February is a busy month. We spent a lot of time this week getting ready for Valentine’s Day next Monday. On Wednesday, we’ll celebrate Alaska Day, and the 100th Day of School is fast arriving (no date yet, since snow days keep getting in the way!)

Earlier this week, Sally Eagle, a local photographer, came to the classroom to share with us her slides of Antarctica. These were truly terrific – there were shots of huge elephant seals sunning themselves, curious little Adelie penguins investigating the cameras, enormous and beautiful icebergs, and of course, penguins, penguins everywhere! The children had a lot of questions which Sally was happy to answer. We really enjoyed her visit.

We’ve added our first vowel to our sound collection – short a. Some children spent time this week spelling three letter words by breaking a word into its sounds, and trying to decode new words, while others are still mastering the sound/symbol relationships. Everyone is making good progress.

Emile Miller joined our class last Monday and has fit in so easily it seems as though he’s been here since September. The children have been very welcoming and are enjoying getting to know a new friend.

We had a wonderful Lunch Bunch earlier in the week, courtesy of Danah, Olivia, and Gabriel’s parents. Delicious chicken soup, many wonderful sandwich choices, and fresh berries with whipped cream made for a special lunch. Thank you Shoroq, Riyad, Carmen, and Geoff! (An extra treat was Danah’s four-month-old baby sister, Leena, who smiled big smiles at us all. What a sweetheart!)

Winter continues on. Stay warm and have a fun weekend!


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