BCD’s 5th Grade Class (and special guest James Fawcett) debuted a new play Mythapalooza! today to a packed house of students and parents. This adaptation of Circus Olympus by Lindsay Price and directed by Meg Agnew presents a humorous and contemporary spin on the classic Greek myths. If you did not get to the show today, it will be performed again tomorrow evening at 7:00 p.m. in Furey Hall. Hope to see you there!
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I had shuch a good time doing the PLAY !!!
it was so much fun doing the play i had a great time and i thought everyone was so great and we all did so welllllllll!
by the way MEG is the best play directer ever thank you so much MEG
Bravo! I thought the show was TERRIFIC! My congratulations to the cast, Meg, and Katie Jean. I really encourage everyone to come on out and see the show tomorrow night. You will laugh yourself silly.
Thank you so much to both meg and katie jean for all of the time, work and effort you put into this terrific play!!! Everyone was amazing! I FEEL VERY, VERY HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!! 🙂