Dear Families,
It has been a busy few weeks as usual! Our tiny caterpillars continue to transform in ways we can see every day. We are also contemplating the mystery of how they will transform invisibly when they are inside a chrysalis. One of the ways we have been thinking about this is to imagine ourselves metamorphosing. What does it feel like to wrap one’s self in a protective case, break down and rebuild into a completely new yet same creature?
We also continue the work that is at the heart of our curriculum: noticing closely, wondering, and translating what we learn into a multitude of creative and expressive languages. When we examined soft pussy willows, someone thought that they were branches filled with chrysalises and the caterpillars had transformed overnight! We wondered if buds on trees are another kind of chrysalis – that protects and transforms baby leaves and flowers waiting to emerge! It is wonderful to see children making these sorts of connections in the world.
For the ArtSoiree we looked closely at our guitar and everyone drew what they observed – circles, lines, a body “like the number 8,” and many details. Later, I asked the children how they could create a guitar with blocks. I felt so proud as the entire group brainstormed and decided together how to use materials at hand and not just blocks to create a large guitar sculpture! There was such excitement and concentration as everyone worked together to create this collaboration and wondered, “Why doesn’t this guitar make music?”
We have been reading Raven over and over. Occasionally a book comes along that totally captures everyone and seems to profoundly resonate. This trickster tale is one of those stories! So many questions and observations and silence and deep listening. As Dr. L pointed out, it is also a tale of magical transformation, similar to the real life drama unfolding before us with our caterpillars!
One day we were in shirt sleeves this week and one day we were in snow pants sledding for (we hope!!!!!) the last time of the season. We visited the pond and I told the children that soon we might be able to take off our shoes, splash in water and eat popsicles there!
Wishing everyone a lovely, peaceful long weekend.
All the best!