We apologize – the announcement that came out last week about BCD’s March Vacation Camp had the wrong pricing and is now open to students in Preschool (4 years of age) through Grade 6!

BCD will be holding a special FULL DAY (8 a.m. to 4p.m.) and HALF DAY (8 a.m. to noon) VACATION CAMP during the school break which includes the days of March 15-19, March 22-26, and March 29.  The camp will be held at school and run by BCD parent Judy Merritt. Activities will include outdoor play and adventures, indoor and outdoor games, art projects, and fun with food.

Cost is $250/week for the full day program and $150/ week for the half day program. You may include Monday, March 29 at $50 for a full day or $30 for a half day. There is limited space available on a first come, first served basis.

Download Registration Form Now!

Please contact Coree Reid at 413-637-0755 or creid@berkshirecountryday.org for more information. This signed registration form and payment must be received by Friday, March 12.